Soil And Nutrients??


Active Member
Im Very New At Growing, Im Learning Slowly,I Bought 3 Books And Ive Been Reading...

My Question Is...After You Have Germinated The Seed And It's Ready To Switch Pots...You Place It In The Soil....Now, As Far As Adding Nutrients, How Is That Done? By Adding The Right Amount The Bottle Says To Your Water??

Thanks Guys!


Well-Known Member
naw bra.
Does ya soil already have nutes in it?
If not wait until 5-7days or so and then do 1/4 of what ya bottle says;)


Well-Known Member
yea if the soil is just plain ol pottin soil.
but you wanna wait at least 5days after sprout to add 1/4 of what the bottle says.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
I use fox farms ocean forest soil and I dont fertilize for about 12-14 days. Then 1/4 strenght every other watering. I flush the soil every two weeks. If you use flood and drain systems or waterfarms flush every 1-2 weeks max!


Active Member
What Are Good Nutrients To Add To The Soil?

Also,If The Soil Already Has Nutrients In It,If I Add Some more To It,Will It Hurt The Plant?