Soil and pot information HELP!!!!!!


Active Member
I need help on where to buy and what soil to use along with any cheap pot sites. Ppl charge up to 50 dollars for a 3 gallon pot. All this is for indoor growth. Soil. Nutes. Pots thanx
Dude... go to lowes and pick up some 5 gallon buckets. They are 2 bucks each. Drill holes in bottom... boom.. drainage.

But seriously... I hate this response as much as the next guy, but it is obvious and relevant. Instead of coming on here and posting a thread right away, use the SEARCH function. Every question you asked has been asked and answered no less than ten times.


Well-Known Member
contractor garbage bags (with holes perforated at the bottom) dug into massive holes in the ground with some Sunshine mix or whatever soil u prefer really.


Well-Known Member
As said above.stay away from miracle gro. I use a pro mix from local nursery. Ph neutral no ferts added .works well for me


Active Member
Sorry to disagree fellows (there's always one huh) MG is not the boogie man it is made out to be. I don't prefer it but for this guy who is obviously too lazy to use google and just wants others to walk him through growing step by step, MG works in a pinch. I have used it successfully in the past.

To the OP sorry to be so harsh dude but we have all seen these posts a million times. Put some thought into growing and you can be successful. Anyone can grow cannabis...growing GOOD cannabis is a process that takes time, education and planning. Good luck to you.


Well-Known Member
buy soil at a garden center..........something neutral. no miracle grow shit.
I wouldn't call it shit. I've grown a lot of righteous weed with it. I still use it for my clones and then into 1g pots with Fox Farms Ocean Forest till topping then into 3g pots with Fox's. 17 to 18 weeks from cloning the toppings to lighting the pipe. Maybe not fast enough for commercial growers but it gives me two to three ounces a week.