Soil, compost.


Well-Known Member
Anyone wana talk soil or compost?

I checked quite a few brands at my local garden centre and the pH was pretty much 6.3 for all of them! I didn't even think this was in the ideal range of pH for marijuana 6.4-6.8 and hesitate to put seeds in it unless i first premix some garden lime in with the soil before planting.

I add lime when i pot up but feel like i should be adding it a lot earlier than that. Why are soil companies short changing us on the soil mixes? Every soil i have access to has quite a big peat content and the manufactures know they are not adding enough lime to buffer the pH swing.

If you are wondering why your seedlings are struggling, purple stems on them and twisting leaves then this alas is your problem!

Soil companies suck at the moment, says its got perlite in it but when i seive and wash the soil i see no perlite, only small lumps of quartz/granite/marble. Seriously, how badly do they want us to fail! This soil is more suited to blueberries at this low pH.

After weeks of work at this problem i have finally got the soil back up to 6.6-6.8 with the help of garden lime. This i see is a lot of peoples problems.:blsmoke: