Soil Hempy


Well-Known Member
hello all, I wanted to grow out a clone and am attempting to do it in a 1 gallon milk jug. The bottom layer up past the hole is perlite, then a small later of Coco, and then the rest is an organic soil mix.

I placed the clone into this bucket tonight, and watered it with plain water. I plan on letting it settle/veg for a week until next Friday. I am hoping this works because I want to be able to do a Pheno hunt using 2 liters but in soilhempy so I won't have to water as much. I understand I might have to topdress a bit. I was thinking a teaspoon of blood meal and bone in week 1 of flower, but idk. Any advice? I will try and keep this updated



Well-Known Member
After 1 week of Veg, and the roots are just starting into the perlite bottom. I put her in flower after top dressing with a pinch of bone meal and gypsum. I will tape up the container this week to stop and algae from growing.



Well-Known Member
Great job! You got a very nice looking plant there. Out of a milk jug no less!! Hope you get some mighty buds from that!


Well-Known Member
Update week 5 going on 6. Looking nice, no real issues except a slight cal mag problem but that's the RO water issue. Nice growth, and she is comparable to other Hempy's I have grown with chemical nutes. We will have to see about flavor, but at least I know it works pretty well now



Well-Known Member
Nice, lookin good! Can't wait for final weight.
so from what I can tell you haven't added any nutrients to the soil besides blood and bone meal?
It's an organic soil mix based on LC's soilless mix #1 with dry recipe amendments #1 plus a whole bunch of other goodies I have added such as Karanja and gypsum and rock dusts and neem meal and alfalfa lol. But yes, I'm sure any organic mix would work well in this sytem


Well-Known Member
Week 8 and I cut after 48 hours dark. I'm trying to revegg because I didn't make f2s yet and this is the keeper pheno, the other pheno revegged but hermed out so fingers crossed. I will post back with a weigh in, but she grew amazing and looks like a pretty decent yield for 1 week veg after roots showing in my organic soil mix



Well-Known Member
Wow, I am super pumped about these results y'all! Over 20 grams of top shelf nug and then about 8 of the popcorn. One week veg after showing roots in a 1 gallon organic soil Hempy milk jug and a good return. She smells even better this run than her mom, straight gasoline OG goodness! Unfortunately her sister hermed like crazy after I revegged and this clone actually had a seed or two that I have seen so far, so I was going to Reveg but no since in wasting space. The quality of this herb is too notch but I have too many good genetics to try and never enough space lol

