Soil Management


I've been growing indoors in soil. Since I use fresh soil for each crop, I've discovered (da!) that I have a problem getting rid of the old used soil. Does anyone know of a practical method of revitalizing old soil, so it can be reused?


Well-Known Member
Try starting a small compost pile, unless you are in an apartment. This doesn't have to take much space and you don't even have to be fancy in starting one. I grow in containers with a new crop always going. When the old girls are done I put the old soil roots and all (provided I have had any disease or pest problem) into the my compost pile. I usually have two going one for the next batch of composted soil and the batch I am using in my current grow. When I am ready for the next batch of soil the old soil has been revitialized and renewed with the micro beasties for the next grow. If you are organic this works great but if you are totally chemical I would think it would be more dangerous recycling soil.
Good Luck and Happy Growing