Soil mix, need advice


Active Member
I'll be mixing my own soil this year and i need some help with gettin the right amount of bleed/bone meal and lime.

So far:
210L soil
25L worm castings
70L perlite

So about 300L or 80gallons in total

Now how much bone meal, blood meal and lime should i add to get a good mix?

I'll also be usin canne terra vega/flora so it isnt necessary for the mix to feed the plant during the entire cicle.


sgt d

Well-Known Member
Sorry, metric man...depending on the strength and purity of your batshit, 1-2 US cups/1.5 cubic yards of dirt, which is the size bag that FF Happy Frog comes in.

As for blood/bonemeal, try mixing those in at 15% of your total volume apiece. Meaning, 15% bloodmeal, 15% bonemeal, 70% other. That should be safe, and if you feel you need more later, you can top dress em.

But here's somethin that's worked well for us: Dug holes, filled em with good dirt, and marked where the plants would go. About 1-3 feet from the "here's where the plant goes" marker, around it, at 2-4 points of the compass, we poked holes with a crowbar about 1-2 feet deep. We then filled them with bonemeal almost up to ground level, and covered em. The plants' roots eventually found these buried goodies, and used what they wanted and left the rest. It was easy, lo tech, and worked real well.

Hope this helps. Good luck!