Soil Mix


Active Member
Hey guys Im wondering if anyone has any idea what to add to soil before planting to make it as healthy and organic as possible and requiring little or no extra nutes throughout the life of the plant.
Ill be using plain seedling soil mixed with pearlite.I know lime is one thing I should add,and Ive read a whole fish is good to add,although maybe thats for outdoors.I did try adding one to my 3 galon buckets but it died lol no seriously though all help is appreciated.

Native Humboldt

Well-Known Member
I use subcools organic super soil soil mix on the bottom of my beds. Most of the components available on amazon with free shipping. I started using it a couple cycles ago and it really made the smell and taste unbelievable. I think for the money its well worth it. I'm going to use it outside this season to see how it works. Sub said you don't need to supplement with nuts during the grow but I did up until the 6th week and my ladies turned out top notch!


Well-Known Member
Apparently you can't Like something until someone Likes you back.

In otherwords, if you Like someones post, the like gets turned off until someone LIKES you.. so as the Like button can't be used for flooding or popularity contests between a couple people?

IS what I am assuming.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Here's one that's simple for a start.

Read up on Sub's super soil and how it's used.
Read up on the Rev's TLO (True Life Organic's) and how he does that method. I like this for Sativa's, but don't "spike" the way he does.
I will use a simple bio Tea (AACT) about 2 times every 3 weeks depending on how I feel the plants needs are.

AACT basic formula.

1: 7 gallon bucket or container to hold 5 gallons of water with room to spare.
1: 2 outlet air pump. With 2 4' air lines-blue or black and 2 airstones.
1: METAL aquarium heater set to 70F. *
Molasses unsulfured (To save $, go to your local restaurant/bakery supply company and get it by the gallon. Gordon foods, Sysco, etc.
Worm castings
Alfalfa Meal

To the bucket add 1/3 cup of each ingredient.
Add the connected air stones/lines/airpump. Keep the stones as far apart as you can.
* If the temp goes below 70F where the bucket is being located. Add the heater as it needs to be at 70F for the best results.
Run this for 48hrs and you now have a basic AACT. Apply full strength 2 times every 3 weeks.

Do the math and adjust the amounts to make only as much as you need, as this tea will "go bad" in about 36hrs. Putting it in the fridge will make it last a few more days but not longer.

You can "add" other things to the "tea" to make it more of a fertilizer tea. Like Guano's or meals and extract's like kelp/seaweed.
I suggest that you do LOTS of reading up on that before you try that.

NEVER add dead flesh to your potted plants. The resulting over fertilization is what killed your attempt at that. Not to mention the nasty decomposition process it's self.