Soil not drying out, need advice .


Hey guys . I've got my 3 week old autos in 20l pots with pre mixed soil , but the problem is that it's not airing out properly and not being dry at all 6 days after my last watering . I'm thinking of transplanting them in to a new mix with more perlite in it . The question is will it shock the plants really bad and affect the yield greatly or should I go ahead and do it , I'm just really afraid of root rot and eventually killing my plants .
Seeds :5 x sin tra bajo , 5x sweet tooth 5x thc bomb auto . Temps : 24-26 celsius RH: 40-55%

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.


Also they are under 24h light and the lamps are 2x 400w hps. There's an extraction fan and two circulating fans as well


Well-Known Member
At 3 weeks old, in 20 litre pots, they're not going to be transpiring a lot of water.
I shouldn't be too concerned, just had a look at your journal and you seem to be on track :)


Shouldn't the soil dry out by itself after 6 days ? Bought a soil moisture meter and it still says it's 10/10 humidity in there. Also added new pics to journal


Yeah that's the thing mostly on my mind now. Also two of the plants leaves are curled up and I can't figure out what's the problem . All the rest 13 are fine but those 2 are acting out a bit ,but I'm thinking maybe it's just a bad seed


Well-Known Member
those pots are a little too big for such small plants, but it may be too late to change to smaller pots. you might want to use sticks to prop the plants up and get a small oscillating fan on them to move air and knock them around some so they strengthen up.


I've just tied them down to expose smaller branches to more light and there's two small fans already blowing . Thanks for advice , man . How do they look otherwise ?


Well-Known Member
Shit dude they look absolutely fine. The earlier the better to start Low Stress Training (LST) in my grow book, so you're doing a good job there...I wouldn't worry about the size of your pots; every plant growing in the ground outside has a pot the exact size of the Earth from day one ;)


Thanks for the good words ! Ok ill see how soil looks tonight when I get back from work . You can also follow my grow and correct me if I'm doing something wrong since this is my 2nd grow indoors .


Well-Known Member
In my experience, the soil cam stay moist for long periods of time and never cause problems even if it doesn't fully dry out. The problems come when the soil is water logged and people keep dumping more water in thinking they aren't watering enough.. I don't like letting my soil completely day out because then it won't soak up the water, it just drains past it and comes out the bottom leaving the soil bone dry and I waste a lot just trying to get the soil actually wet