Soil or hydro


Active Member
Hey guys,

this my first time and i will have 3x3x7 grow tent.

what’s better for a first timer i work 6 hours a day last plant I planted and took care of shamelessly was 12 years ago.

hydroponics system or regular soil? emphasis on cannabis odor control/ healthiness/ easier for a first timer, don’t get me wrong I’m smart dwc is interesting but I would to hear advice.

- if hydroponics how many gallons/ pots for my size?

if soil how many pots or maybe plants for my size?
organic soil or regular?

Hey guys,

this my first time and i will have 3x3x7 grow tent.

what’s better for a first timer i work 6 hours a day last plant I planted and took care of shamelessly was 12 years ago.

hydroponics system or regular soil? emphasis on cannabis odor control/ healthiness/ easier for a first timer, don’t get me wrong I’m smart dwc is interesting but I would to hear advice.

- if hydroponics how many gallons/ pots for my size?

if soil how many pots or maybe plants for my size?
organic soil or regular?

Definitely soil, if you don't have lots of time to learn hydro, before you get started. For absolute ease, your local hydro shop should have bags of soil you can grow right out of. Otherwise, get yourself some fabric pots, and some decent soil, such as Root Organics, Fox Farms' Happy Frog, or even Scott's Organic Mix. Stay away from anything Miracle Grow.

Go to the GrowWeedEasy site to learn lots about growing...
Hey guys,

this my first time and i will have 3x3x7 grow tent.

what’s better for a first timer i work 6 hours a day last plant I planted and took care of shamelessly was 12 years ago.

hydroponics system or regular soil? emphasis on cannabis odor control/ healthiness/ easier for a first timer, don’t get me wrong I’m smart dwc is interesting but I would to hear advice.

- if hydroponics how many gallons/ pots for my size?

if soil how many pots or maybe plants for my size?
organic soil or regular?

I agree with above. Organic soil requires nothing but water for the first few weeks up to a month. You don’t have to ph the water. Just less to worry about all in all.

People will shoot me but auto flowers for beginners seem pretty easy. Very low maintenance. I have a 2.5x2.5 and I grow one big LST autoflower. But I’ve seen posts of people getting 16oz on a photo in that same space.

Depends on how much you want to be involved with the plant.
3 gallon pot w/soil flower at 8 inches. Quicker grow and less chance for problems to arise. Grow indoors only in winter stay high all summer. Repeat.
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Soil is by far the easiest. My only advice beyond that already given is to mix in perlite and coco. Makes a big difference in ease.
I'd consider starting in soil, coco, or even a blend of both. Your grow will be relatively forgiving and you'll get a chance to learn the growth cycle and get some experience with the process with fewer worries and things that might go wrong, i say this subjectively and anectodally rather from a place of any authority of course... ymmv. At ~3 years into the craft I'm gearing up to try a hydro/aeroponic system and I feel totally fine about waiting this long as I'm comfortable with the grow cycles and training methods now, leaves more room in the mind to focus on some of the finer details when it comes to maintaining consistent water PH, EC with nutrients, etc.. all stuff that will greatly benefit your soil grows as well and worth your time to start learning off the top, but a soil grow won't beg the same degree of accuracy with everything as it works great as a buffer. Either way I'm sure you'll enjoy, dwc's look fantastic I'd love to try it out as well.
Soil is by far the easiest. My only advice beyond that already given is to mix in perlite and coco. Makes a big difference in ease.

Don’t most pre made soils have that mixed in? Or is cannabis needs more specific for that? I see everyone suggest it but I assumed pre made soil would have blend of it all.
Don’t most pre made soils have that mixed in? Or is cannabis needs more specific for that? I see everyone suggest it but I assumed pre made soil would have blend of it all.
Most do. Just not in high enough amounts. They cost more than dirt. The addition increases aeration and water retention. While reducing root rot. I just posted my mix on my journal. A few more parts. But consistent since I started mixing it three years ago. I use it indoors and out.006.jpg
Don’t most pre made soils have that mixed in? Or is cannabis needs more specific for that? I see everyone suggest it but I assumed pre made soil would have blend of it all.
They do, but more might be better. I say this mostly in terms of the amount of oxygen your roots will get + water moves through it nicely. The only real advantage I can think of in starting with soil vs coco is you'll have some nutrients in there already that will help out for a while so you can worry a little less about it, at least for the first month or so. I quickly moved to pure coco/perlite mixes without soil to take advantage of all that oxygen, adding in nutrients manually and sometimes cutting in a smaller fraction of some organic compost/worm castings to get just a bit of that help. The plants love the coco.

edit - read following posts I didn't consider some important things when writing this.
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I like the idea of adding some to my existing soil. I don’t know about making my own soil. I tried it was no good. I’m going to keep purchasing it. I’ve used FFOF it was great as well. Would you still add it to that?
Coco has no buffer against issues alone. Wrong ph, too high PPM, wrong mix,ect. It happens and it happens fast in coco alone. Gave all the wet sets up a long time ago.
Coco has no buffer against issues alone. Wrong ph, too high PPM, wrong mix,ect. It happens and it happens fast in coco alone. Gave all the wet sets up a long time ago.
I’m screwing up in soil with autos I should probably stay with this until I get it mastered. Lol
I like the idea of adding some to my existing soil. I don’t know about making my own soil. I tried it was no good. I’m going to keep purchasing it. I’ve used FFOF it was great as well. Would you still add it to that?
Check my mix out. All off the shelf and stupid easy.
Coco has no buffer against issues alone. Wrong ph, too high PPM, wrong mix,ect. It happens and it happens fast in coco alone. Gave all the wet sets up a long time ago.
yeah that makes sense, i guess my experience with coco only being good has given me somewhat a false security sense. would urge OP to consider this all, generous blends or a decent pre-mix probably the way to go starting out then.
yeah that makes sense, i guess my experience with coco only being good has given me somewhat a false security sense. would urge OP to consider this all, generous blends or a decent pre-mix probably the way to go starting out then.
Every pre mix I've seen locally are too dense alone.