Soil PH Too High - Need To Fix


Soil PH tests at 7.5-8

Can someone share a working method to bring the PH down to proper levels?

I watered twice with water that had a PH of 6.0 and there was no effect. (used ph down product in the water)
Been doing a little research. Urine diluted 5 to one with water and used around your plants decreases pH and adds nutes. It fits my life style. If you can't eat it screw it or smoke it. Piss on it. Previous comments brought to by White Widow
Go ahead and piss on your plants. Lol. I want a pic of your expression when you first taste that shit!
lets see a pic of the plants, if you aren't getting alots of iron chlorosis it's not an issue/ prob isn't as high ph as you think.
Are your plants showing any issues? Are you just testing the runoff pH and think you need to fix it? If your plants are healthy don't worry about it. And if you are testing runoff pH from soil it's not an accurate measurement to begin with. Many people go looking for a problem that doesn't exist. Chasing runoff pH is a quick way to make a good grow go bad.