Soil ph Using Happy Frog

I am looking for help with what seems like an unlikely problem.

This morning I tested my soil, the ph read 5.5.

I watered, having tested the water at ph 8.0.

I then retested the soil and the ph was 4.5.

This seems impossible.

Has anyone else encountered this problem?

What is causing it? Is it the Happy frog potting soil?

I am aways using a water ph test to test the water/feeding ph. I always us a soil ph digital meter (sunleaves brand) to test the soil ph.



Well-Known Member
Hey man, did you just stick her in the soil or did you prep the soil with any other mixes prior to planting?
Is your ph meter calibrated properly?
Have you tested the "run off" with regular ph testing liquid? results?
What stage is your plant in?
Have you added any fertilizer?

Let me know, Id be glad to help....
I did NOT prep the soil with any other mixes prior to planting.
As far as I know it is. When the Happy Frog soil was dry it read 7.0.
Yes, I have tested the run off water with regular ph testing liquid. The results were 4.5.
my plants are in the flowering stage.
Yes, I had been adding fox farm nutrients according to the fox farm schedule. (Note: My plants were showing signs of {what I thought was} Manganese toxicity. Could this be Manganese lock out due to the low soil ph?)
By the way, Internode, thanks for the swift reply!
This is my first grow of marijuana. It is for medical purposes and I am down to 90 lbs so the swift reply is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
First off, throw the soil tester away. They are worse than useless because they are so inaccurate.

Get some dolomite lime, ~$5 for a 40lb bag at HD or Lowes, or Espoma Garden lime, same places.

Top dress (sprinkle on the surface of the mix) at the rate of 2tbl/gallon of mix. EG: 3 gallon pot=6 tbl of lime. Water it in.

That's it. It will take a couple of weeks, but it will fix your soil pH and keep it fixed. Simple, huh?



Active Member
You dont need to worryabout ph in soi really. as long as you give it 6.5 ph water your fine.
Agreed... And "Happy Frog" is more for house plants. Buy some Fox Farms "Ocean Forest" for your soil. And if you want, Fox Farms "Light Warrior" for seedlings and clones. I only use Ocean Forest. You never have to worry about soil pH. I pH my water to 6.5 and after mixing in nutes, I'm still at 6.5.