Soil PH

This may sound like a stupid question, but I’m just learning stuff and am full of easy ones. On an indoor grow do you guys actually test your soil PH, or do you only test the water you add? I can’t imagine needing to test the soil if I’m using a soil that says it is balanced to 6.3-6.8. If I keep my water between 6.3-6.8 using a litmus strip would I ever really need to check the soil?
soil is very forgiving and has a wide ph that it can still grow without problems as long as it is looked after, you cant just throw nutes at it all the time and hope it stays good, healthy soil is important.
if your having problems that cant be explained or sorted by the usual methods, then you can do a slurry test on it to see what the ph is getting up to.
and acting acordingly to rectify the issue, but soil should be good over a wide range of ph's
Thanks. It seems that I basically only test the soil if my plants are having an issue. I am not planning to use nutrients right now. I’m using a super soil. Thanks for the info.
ah, im not sure on super soil, you may be better off taking a ph reading. im not familier with super soil yet and apart from being hot and needing time to cool off, ph may well be an issue that needs seeing too, best taking one just to be safe
best to test for peace of mind if nothing else

I got you. Thanks. I haven’t mixed the soil up yet. I’ve been getting my environment set up. I am testing maintaining temps, humidity, air flow, etc. before I start the grow. A proper humidifier is my last step and I’ll be ready to grow. I’ve already had to return 3 of them for various reasons. I have one coming tomorrow and hopefully it resolves the issues I’ve had. I’ll PH my soil after I mix it using your suggestion.
New to this too
My PH and TDS meters just arrived my plants were doing fine before and i lust like my gadgets (ant it wnt urt the blueberries in the garden)
Now i did notice that 1 my tap water is 200ppm (I amin bloody ireland and I did not have sufficient rain the past few weeks ...seriously)
and the PH=6.8

After going through the soil (I saturate my pots every 2 days and suck out the pan ) the PPM has fone op to 1200
I have been reusing the "tea" as not to waste any nutrients.
I am using the soil from a tomato growbag wth a dollop vermiculite

The plants have been fine so far but the PH is 7.4
I am considdering to bringing the tea down to 6.5 but not sure i it is really "needed"