Soil - Please Reply


Well-Known Member
Looks to me like one of those soils that contain little or no soil whatsoever. Just a bunch of crap thrown together with minimal actual top soil. Schultz is a good name-brand though better so than Miracle Grow IMO so you should have a successful grow. Just be sure not to give any nutes for a good month or more as the soil contains nutrients already and would be considered "hot". So keep an eye on the early sprouts. I have made mistakes in the past by giving nutes at 3-4 weeks thinking it would be fine but my soil mix was premixed similar to yours and I ended up losing 2 out of 3 plants due to nutrient burn.


Well-Known Member
i don't like shultz products or MG BUT IF U WANT GOOD herb grow organic get sum good potting soil at ur local nursury add worm castings and perlite and ull be happy


Well-Known Member
I believe most any soil is suitable for marijuana as long as it drains well. I would prefer a medium without any added fertilizers as they interfere with your ability to administer nutes yourself through watering. Try to find a potting mix without added nutrients. Then pick yourself up some Fox Farm Grow Big and start it off after 3 weeks at 1/4 tsp per gallon for 1-2 waterings (let the soil dry between waterings) then bump it up to 1/2 to 3/4 strength after the next 10 waterings or so. Eventually when the plant is mature and large you can try giving it the recommened dose of 1 tsp per gallon. I'm always iffy to give fertilizer as recommened on the bottle, it always seems to be too much for the plant to handle. But if you do find it neccessary slowly give more nutes over 30 days or so