soil prep nor cal foot hills


just got permission for a garden on a new property, main garden is all pre made soil in containers... going to try to keep the new garden cheap beacuse its just extra, ive see people about 30 miles away just mix straw , chicken and cow manure is this practical for nitrogen through the year... planning on just using maxsea and a couple things in flower. Were digging 3 feet wide X 3 feet deep X 20 feet long per rowe.... just dont want to waste money ... any inputs appreiciated...
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Well-Known Member
IMG_0523.JPG IMG_0552.JPG I'm actually trying out a no spend grow right now. We have horses and a couple bunnies so their shit and bedding along with all the leaves collected in the fall plus my clay based soil are it.
This is the soil-
This the mix when I'm done-
Planted Easter weekend-
The other part of this is how long can they grow without watering. The plants in the picture have never been watered by hand and only once by rain.
Forgot to mention the reason I'm not watering is because this on the cheap grow is on top my first attempt at a hugulculture.
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