Soil Preparation


Active Member
My niece's grandpa told me that if I'm going to grow outdoors I should fill the soil with potato peels a few months before I'm ready to plant.

He said the year he first tried the potato peels, he had trouble hiding the plants because they got so big.

Has anyone else tried this? Does anyone know any other methods for preparing soil for a good harvest?


Well-Known Member
what i do faithfully is i take a 5 gal bucket and drill holes in the bottom put a small layer of rocks dime sized. then put a fish in the bucket. i use catfish. then put half potting soil half native dirt. if you want you can add banana peels egg shells potato skins strawberrys anything organic can go in the dirt. then plant your best seeds. after you find the best spot in the outdoors go and bury your bucket up to the rim. let it grow. and for any reason you have to move your plant cuz of security deer or whatever you can just pull your bucket up without disturbing the roots or the plants


Well-Known Member
Start a compost pile with alllll sorts of plant material and throw those patata skins in there too, let it all compst down into a nutrient rich dark brown soil and throw that in your hole with the native soil.
Thats probably a better idea.