Soil Question

Ok, so getting no feedback on my other thread, but one thing I really need to get straight today is my dirt. I have a variety of potting soil in my back yard, but it's all had other types of plants, and I have no idea on the mix. Is it ok to ph it and use it, or should I just start with fresh soil from the store?

My beans are starting to germ today, at least a few, and I want to make sure I have something to put them in.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I would start fresh that way if there are any diseases,bugs,fungus you have a chance to avoid that. buy some fresh if you can:-)

And what Wetdog said.
Ok, so I just came into some extra cash towards the project, and will be going shopping this afternoon. Going to pick out a no-nutrient soil for the babies, and some perlite and gravel for drainage. I have some nutes lying around, fish emulsion and miracle-gro(which i'd rather not use), but what else should i get for veg and flower stages, preferably more on the organic side?
Ooh, thanks on the lime, i had it on my original list, but forgot it on my second. Thanks for the feedback guys, headed out shortly, then back to finish lights, hanging mylar blankets, fans, and getting the ladies dirty.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
just get yourself a bag of miracle grow potting soil mix and some perlite. water with straight tap water for about a month, you will now to stat adding nutrients when the lower fan leaves start to yellow. don't let the mg haters scare you.
Ok, just got home and wired my first light!

Two more lights to wire, each one split with two bulbs, using a mix of 100x(23 actual usage) Daylight CFLs, rated at 1600 Lumen, and 100w(23) Soft Whites, either 6 or 9 bulbs, havent build the whole mount yet.

I have my chains to adjust the mount, which will be ghetto as hell, pics my Ph kit, thermo with humidity, reflective blankets, worried a lil about cooling so far, budget didn't allow for expensive fans and this time of year, none too many in the hardware stores, so I have to make do with what I have.

Planning to finish building the light mount, wiring, and get some sprouts in dirt in the next couple of hours, then I'll have some time to get the walls reflective and finish some small details, but this thing should be up and running tonight.