(soil) to PH or not to PH that is the question


Active Member
So I did a TON of reading and I'm still very confused about the PH.
I'm a soil grower and my tap water is around 7,5-8 PH (liquid test). I read many articles about PH and soil and half of them is saying to adjust PH to 6,5 before watering and half is saying not to bother with PH and just water them. I don't have any problems adjusting PH (2ml of PH- in 10l - 2,5 gal of water adjusts it to 6,5).

Should I adjust the PH or just use untouched tap water to water my baibies?


i would and did adjust to 6.5 ish. Plus once you start nutes you will be adjusting so you dont want a such a change in pH once you start with nutes.


Well-Known Member
PH, I think it is an easy decision! The soil does buffer but I have always had problems when I didn't.

Also, I notice the ph of my water out of the tap varies.


Well-Known Member
Growing has a lot of variables and what works for one grow may not work for another. That being said, I would go ahead and PH and adjust to 6.5 for a couple grows. No sense adding more issues to all the other problems you may encounter growing weed. After you get settled and have a few grows under you belt you can make your own decisions on what's best.

BTW, I don't PH my organic soil. I took only one reading at 5 weeks flower on my last grow. I use tap water (6.7) that sits in 5 gal jugs for a couple days before use. I also don't add any nutes during the grow so I have very few issues with PH imbalances. All the nutrients come from the amended, cooked soil and I just add water until harvest. Simple, easy, hard to screw up.

Good luck on the grow.


Well-Known Member
I used to PH. For the first year I did it every time. I also used to let my buckets sit for a few days to de-chlorinate also.
I grow in Sunshine Pro mix #4. It is just peat and perlite.
I water straight from the tap now. I haven't noticed a difference and it has been over a year since I stopped.
It doesn't hurt to PH that's for sure.


Well-Known Member
If it were me I'd definitely be pHing whatever I put on the plants. And by that I mean pHing EVERY single drop of anything I put on the plants, be it tap water or water w/nutes. Some people ^^^^^^ just have perfect water out of the tap. It sounds to me like you don't. Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Ah......PH.....if you want to strive for perfect growing conditions, watching your PH while growing in soil is one part of achieving this goal. Does it help? Well, professional growers keep an eye on PH so I suspect that it does.

The problem with PH is that it's blamed for many ills a pot plant suffers and it's my guess that 95% of these issues have nothing to do with PH, but rather the problem usually is all about something the grower did or didn't do.

I personally don't monitor my PH. The last time I looked my tap water was around 8.0. Like Rockymtnman I just water straight from the tap and have seen no issues with either chlorine or PH. We make growing weed so complicated when we don't have to. Plop the seed into quality soil, don't drown the plant, give it good light, replenish nutrients when needed, and stand back and enjoy the grow.