Soilless/Nutrient question


Active Member
I have a quick question regarding soil and nutes for autoflowers (but I guess this goes for all strains)

I plan on growing Iranian Autoflowers and I will be using PRO-MIX BX mix. My question is, since it's a soilless mix, do I start feeding from seedling with a nutrient or wait until about 2 weeks in? What schedule after that? (I plan on starting them in large cups indoors and then moving them outside to finish) Also, if I want to use FF nutes, which ones do you guys recommend?

Thanks a lot for any advice:leaf:


Moderatrix of Journals
very good. you don't want to start feeding for a couple weeks, until she starts to look a bit more - robust (early on, you just want clean, ph'ed water; you can use a stress-reliever if you have one but a weak solution of it). when you do start feeding, you want to start with 1/4 or 1/3 of the recommended solution and gradually raise the strength from there. the schedule after that all depends on what nutes you choose, and you. by outside do you mean outside in pots, or outside in the ground?

sorry i've never used ff.
a good cheap nutrient formula is jacks classic very easy to use but if you got cash to spend the go advanced nutrients sensi grow and bloom thats some good stuff


Active Member
You want to go ahead and start feeding 1/4 strenth nutes at second leaf set...................Typical soiless... you must feed.
FF nutes....There good but overated.......Get the trio pkg. grow big, big bloom, tiger bloom.........print out the feeding schedule from their site.
Jacks classic or any good garden fert will work.
Going outdoor I always wanted to try osmocote, Time release ferts with moisture retaining crystals in one


Well-Known Member
Seedlings need to be nurtured, I too use a soilless mix but I start seedlings & clones in happy frogs, in small peat pots

read my Balls to the Wall thread (sig link)