Well i dont know how to explain this but today one of my plant tilted over.
I came back and found one of my plant looking totallty heathly fell sideways on the soil.
I found out since i have been watering only around the outside part of the pot that the soil around the stem is pretty light and loose. I straightened the plant with soil and stood it back up. But when i tap the plant the plant falls completely over so easily...
This one plant i am using as a dummy test plant so please tell me what i can do/try.
Or is this normal during seedlng stage?
Should i water near the stems and try to pack down the soil?
Thanks! Will rep whoever can help me out
I came back and found one of my plant looking totallty heathly fell sideways on the soil.
I found out since i have been watering only around the outside part of the pot that the soil around the stem is pretty light and loose. I straightened the plant with soil and stood it back up. But when i tap the plant the plant falls completely over so easily...
This one plant i am using as a dummy test plant so please tell me what i can do/try.
Or is this normal during seedlng stage?
Should i water near the stems and try to pack down the soil?
Thanks! Will rep whoever can help me out