solar grow


Well-Known Member
I'm looking at doing a small scale indoor personal grow, but live in an area that gets constant sun. I'll be using florescent lights for my grow, nothing fancy. Could I use a solar generator with solar panels to run this? Anything I should consider before buying? I was looking at the yeti 150, 400, or 1250. What do you guys think would be best?


Well-Known Member
(IMO) the tech is just not right as yet, its all about crunching the wattage...then figuring out how many watts you have to make with a panel, far east Russia, Siberia, popular with growers is using T5's /T8's with a wind generators ..the best T5's are are bank of 6-8 tubes at 54 watts each sucking 54x8=432 watts per hour, and yes T5's would be better than your standard 400w hps/Mh as you may flick off tubes to accommodate the power being made at the time, battery storage is another subject


Well-Known Member
Off the grid growing without sunlight is pretty inefficient. Using solar power multiplies all the inefficiencies. Using a battery backup creates even more. I've told people that technology isn't quite up the task just yet... and fuel cells don't change the equation, since they run on gas.