Solar Power


Well-Known Member
i went to a solar forum once and was told you'd spend more maintaining and setting up rigs then youd save in the long run. something small like that. id say go for it.


Well-Known Member
With ones like these, there's no set-up other than mounting them, and no maintenance other than occasionally cleaning them.
Ease of use, and saves electricity.
Seems like a win-win situation.

It just has me wondering why others aren't already doing it?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
How much $$$ will you actually save? electricity is really cheap. I considered some solar, but after crunching the numbers it's not even close to being cost effective. Far cheaper and easier to just buy electricity from power company. That's probably why more people aren't doing it.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I think it's a good idea to use the fan. If all he needs to do is move air around to ward off Powdery Mildew it should work fine and he can use his lights for power. Why not?


Well-Known Member
To be more specific, I currently have passive air intake and the space is getting too warm.
I was thinking about adding several solar powered fans to force cooler air in, so the exhaust fan works more efficiently.
I figured I'd just mount the solar panels somewhere on on the wall and let them be powered by the grow lights.

In theory it sounds good, and I'm probably going to try it.
I was just curious if anybody else had already tried it.

Electricity is expensive where I live.
I blame my parents for putting quotes in my head like "A fool and their money are soon parted" and "A penny saved is a penny earned".
If I save $5.00 a month on electricity, good for me. It's $5.00 I didn't have to give to somebody else. It's also $5.00 less I had to pay for my weed.

Thanks for your responses.