Sold possible denatured ethanol.


Well-Known Member
Been making some gummies last couple of weeks. Went down well.
But my old supplier of non denatured ethanol disappeared some time ago and its almost impossible to find it here (no everclear either)
I came across a new supplier and asked if it was denatured and he instead it wasn't, then I opened the bottle and thought that doesn't smell right so I contacted him and said it was denatured , he insists it isn't and is imported from EU.

Anyhow ive just tried one of the new batch of gummies which are higher mg in concentrate but it doesn't taste right to me, kind of like what I would imagine perfume would taste like.

So it seems to me not worth the risk of using until I can get confirmation from the company who make it.
I suspect the answer will be is denatured making it useless to me.

My question is given I have a source turbo which I want to use but will not use denatured ethanol and seemingly may not be able to get hold of food grade ethanol anymore what options do I have?

I can get lab grade ISO but even though I have seen people talk about using it for edibles I was under the impression its not suitable to eat.
I don't want to make anything that's unsafe .

Sorry for the long winded post .

Can anyone say one way or the other if ISO is safe for quick was to make concentrate for gummies?
