Solid nute system for first grow, bloom - hows this look?


Well-Known Member
Fed: Dynagro Bloom, AN Bud Candy, AN Final Phase Foliar: Spray and Grow, Spray and Grow Coco Wet, Spray and Grow Bill's Perfect Fertilizer, Dynagro Pro-TeKt, Superthrive Want something simple and solid, that still gives good results. Hoping Dynagro Bloom lives up to what I've heard about it. Spray and Grow seems to work great, even though it looks like I shit in a milk jug. If you've never seen it, it's amazingly gross - you basically squirt this brown, syrupy crap into already piss-colored water. The instructions also call for warm water, presumably because cold water would make it seem less like a jug of shit.


Active Member
If it calls for warm water than it probably has heavy sugars in it like molasses or something you need warm water to dissolve sugar.Thats a lot of nutes.I havnt used any of them.but I only use 3 my whole flora micro grow and bloom.