solo or social. smoker?


Well-Known Member
Do you prefer to smoke alone or with others?
for me it depends i tend to lean toward solo, ( i always make an execption for a friends granny because she's an ex hippy and she's one of the few people here i enjoy the company of, and has grown) not counting the people here. but once in a bllue moon i will go smoke with others.
i always used to smoke with people idk what happened I'm the oppisite now.


Well-Known Member
I prefer to smoke my weed by myself, but other peoples weed im happy to smoke with them, its only fair

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I make every effort to conform to the law. Passing a doobie in Canada is a federal offence under the narcotic control (trafficking) act. On the brighter side I'll leave the doobie in the ashtray and if a buddy picks it up and smokes it that would be beyond my control.

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
I smoke alone, yeah
With nobody else
I smoke alone, yeah
With nobody else
You know when I smoke alone
I prefer to be by myself


Well-Known Member
I smoke alone, yeah
With nobody else
I smoke alone, yeah
With nobody else
You know when I smoke alone
I prefer to be by myself

Every morning just before breakfast
I don't want no coffee or tea
Just me and good Bud
That's all I ever need
'Cause I smoke alone, yeah
With nobody else
Yeah, you know when I smoke alone
I prefer to be by myself

The other night I laid sleeping
And I woke from a terrible dream
So I caught up my bubba Kush
And his partner Blue Dream
And we smoke alone, yeah
With nobody else
Yeah, you know when I smoke alone
I prefer to be by myself

The other day I got invited to a party
But I stayed home instead
Just me and my pal bubba kush
And his brothers chemdawg and chemjack
And we smoke alone, yeah
With nobody else
Yeah, you know when I smoke alone
I prefer to be by myself

I smoke with 3 other people 1-2 a week hanging there for about 2-4 hours..


Well-Known Member
I love to share, infact when I was younger I would always smoke with others, but usually never had any extra weed, so I hated to share the weed.
Now Im a grower.. and Ide rather give someone weed than money ha.


Well-Known Member
I love to share, infact when I was younger I would always smoke with others, but usually never had any extra weed, so I hated to share the weed.
Now Im a grower.. and Ide rather give someone weed than money ha.
I have not bought a pack of smokes in about 4 months.. buddy and I have a standing agreement.. I'll pass him about 3g's he gets me a pack of smokes.. we meet at his house.. to exchange and smoke.. even after giving him the MJ I still make him smoke my mj..

he gets a few different strains then I grow so it's nice when he gets a some and shares it.. even nicer when he gets seeds and clones


New Member
I really like smoking with people because of the experience, it seems doubled because of whoever is getting high with you. But there is nothing like hitting a nice bowl alone and chilling the hell out without worrying about socializing or falling asleep on your friends lol.

I also HATE sharing weed. Weed to me is like food, IF YOU'RE GONNA ACCOMPANY ME IN SMOKING, bring some or don't kill my vibe. Unless its a friend, No problem sharing with people I care about.

Solo > Social but I dont mind either


Well-Known Member
I also HATE sharing weed. Weed to me is like food, IF YOU'RE GONNA ACCOMPANY ME IN SMOKING, bring some or don't kill my vibe. Unless its a friend, No problem sharing with people I care about.

ever heard of POT luck?....... I kill me..


Well-Known Member
I'm as social as they get, I share my smoking experience with all my riu friends lmao...

Oh and clownfreak maybe you like smoking alone now cuz of that pcp joint you smoked ;) Just saying :D


Well-Known Member
Lol :p. it turned out to be meth i bought up test and marijuana and. methamphetamine were only postives. Godd that was a hell of a high! i actully had meth agian a couple months ago on accident , bc somone didnt tell me they were doing lines in the bathroom were i break my weed up... i endded up talking to myself in the mirror like a full on convo like if it was somone elsemy friend.


Well-Known Member
I was walking downtown one night shortly after harvest and I saw some young kid panhandling in the rain, and I remembered how it used to be me doing that a long time ago, so I discreetly dropped a small sack of weed in his cup, that's enough sharing for me this year lol


Active Member
Back in the day it was a social thing but anymore it has become private. I really only smoke bfore bed time so I prefer the heavier stony breeds. I can take a hit and wait an hour to take another if I want without anyone buggin me to hurry up and pass or even nod out if thats the way it goes. I've tried sharing in recent years but all that does is make people bitch about my choice of strains. Seems most folks like their sativas rather than my "stony weed". Thats fine but when someone else is providing it seems like folks could just say thanks or politely turn it down rather than pissing and moaning about the effects of the free weed they just smoked. Anyway, solo seems to be my choice at the moment.


Well-Known Member
I enjoy the company and conversation when smoking with others but I also find the feeling of solitude from smoking alone very refreshing too it helps me clear my head.


Well-Known Member
I just like smoking. I will smoke alone or with others. I do tend to avoid methods like blunts and joints as they taste horrible after a couple drags.


Well-Known Member
Solo and w/ very close friends and family. Though I don't mind a few tokes w/ strangers at concerts. Otherwise the questions grow? who's your contact? Hook me up? Fuck. that.

Though I guess that wouldn't happen with an RIU get together lol