Solutions for lights being too close


I have a plant that has grown way taller than expected and I am currently short on room in my tent. The plant has grown within three inches of my 400 watt hps light! I realize the recommended distance is around 1 ft but I cannot move my light any further from the top. The plant is flowering; I can keep my hand above my plant for a long period of time without and discomfort, and I have a couple of extra fans to help keep the heat down..... Is my plant screwed or is there anything that will help? Any recommendations?

PLEASE HELP! & thanks in advance


Damn. That just seems fucked up. I can literally leave my hand under the light all day. Is it really necessary? Could I just tie her down?


I'll probably tie the cola down then. Just for curiosities sake though, is it even necessary if I can leave my hand under the light?


Well-Known Member
Just tied it down or stick a screen over it, or just pull everything out of the tent and finish flowering, since your probably pretty close to harvesting anyway.


Well-Known Member
tie it I had the same problem with some Saginaw I grew my 400ws were literally attached to the roof and one cola still grew into it I ended up having to tie it down