Some advice on first grow project.


Hey there,

I am about to embark on my first grow project. I'm on a fairly low budget so i've opted for a homemade p.c. grow case, hydroponic system with CFL bulbs. I do plan to upgrade this as i get some cash flowing.
As i said this is my first time growing any tips tricks, even seed recomendations would be much appreciated. looking for a low priced high yeild beginner seed.

Much thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Hey there,

I am about to embark on my first grow project. I'm on a fairly low budget so i've opted for a homemade p.c. grow case, hydroponic system with CFL bulbs. I do plan to upgrade this as i get some cash flowing.
As i said this is my first time growing any tips tricks, even seed recomendations would be much appreciated. looking for a low priced high yeild beginner seed.

Much thanks in advance.
I know I might get blasted for saying this be I know some people don't like these, but I say go with an auto ak strain. The potency is really good and you can get an ounce of yield easy if proper care is give. Plus growing auto strains are much more low maintence than photoperiod. Being this is your first time growing, autos will help you understand growing cannabis so that when you get better supplies and some experience you will be able to work wonders with photoperiod plants. Go to attitude that got a good selection of auto strains decent prices, they are stealth never had a problem sipping to us. Plus they give you freebies. You could also check out speedyseedz as he is a member of this site.:peace:


Thanks man, i was looking at the auto strains just to start off untill i gain a bit more experience. I'll have a look at some of those sites as well.