Some Advise Please


Active Member

  • Also posted this in the 250W thread, but wanted to get some more responses..The brown/yellow leaves are nute burnt if your wondering.

    I am out of town for a week after tomorrow, so need to decide now what to do...
    Looking with the scope this am it seems there is a good ammount of amber, and mostly cloudy. I can either cut her today/tomorrow or next Tues. I dont want to let her go to long.
    My hand is not realy steady so I struggle to use the scope, I am going to pull her out into the room today and try to get a better look.
    If anyone can please offer a little advise here on what you think.
    Sorry about the external links, but the pic uploder here was giving me issues.​

    Would you say yes she looks pretty much ready, or no wait a week.... Im scared LOL...

    First three pics you can see the trichs are getting white and not so much glistening. Think I should go ahead and cut and hang her?Higher Res Pics:


Active Member
thanks gaxtron3030.. First grow so I am a bit nervous. Dont care if its a little early or late as long as its not too much either way.

If they can go another week I would rather do that. It gives me time to run some str8 h20 thru, I only have done a minor flush on her thinking I had time...


Well-Known Member
depending on how you want the high mate. personally i would chop now and leave nice big colas to dry for a week then jar it when you get back


Active Member
thanks brett. I have 2 others I will have more of a window to cut so the high on this one is not critical, if its a little early it will just give a more energetic buzz i guess. Maybe I will chop the kolas and let the lower popcorn buds fill in another week...


Well-Known Member
thanks brett. I have 2 others I will have more of a window to cut so the high on this one is not critical, if its a little early it will just give a more energetic buzz i guess. Maybe I will chop the kolas and let the lower popcorn buds fill in another week...
that sounds like a plan if i ever heard one :)