Some idiot doesn't know how to use a timer.

I think I may have a problem. I thought I changed my timer to 12/12 14 days ago. Just found out that the switch wasn't on and so they have spent the last two weeks under 24 hours of wattage. They have practically grown into the light. Is it going to kill them to be stuck in the small space? Will they still bud? Can I trim them? What do I do? They are 4 feet tall in a 5 foot closet.


Sailor Jerry

Well-Known Member
Try bending and tying everything away from your light. Its generally thought that triming your plants does more harm than good.


Well-Known Member
definately start tying down NOW.

i had to do it with a few, i broke 2 main stalks, tied it down and the cola is now the same height as the side branches. the broken stalks healed in like a week, you might delay flower a bit but its very neccessary.


Well-Known Member
I'd tie them...then switch to 10 hours of light, 14 hours of darkness. You are absolutely going to run out of room but with less light it won't be horrendous perhaps.


Well-Known Member
What made you want to do 10/14? Not knocking it, just never heard of this before.
Plants double and sometimes even triple in size in flowering. I always do 12/12...but I'm telling him what I'd do to try and reduce the growth spurt while still getting enough light to flower.


Well-Known Member
top them , pull all the lower branches for clones, and bud out the rest. if you need to tie it over to one side but keep the light as close to them as possible.go 12/12 .post up a pic or 2 so we can see what were dealing with.


Well-Known Member
Just top them to a desired height....don't over do it but you can hack away a nice amount,tie some down if needed....then give a few days to recover and switch the light....they will be just fine