Some issues and im not sure so i need some advice PICS


Active Member
So this is what she looks like and looks like shes bubbling or something. It might be Mg problem cause this soil is pretty acidic and have been watering with a 8ph to get it to run off to 6.4ph. the other pic of the one good one i uploaded is the same strain there both hybrids but he is doing great. i water these 2 plants at the same time so they get the exact same water/nutrients. And the other thats doing good also has hairs and bad one doesn't both have been in flower for 9 days. im using a FFOF with pro mix HP and BX mixed (this shit is acidic(peat)) big bloom, tiger bloom, AN big bud :peace:2010-09-09 00.07.03.jpg2010-09-09 00.03.15.jpg2010-09-09 00.07.54.jpg
2010-09-09 00.09.00.jpg2010-09-09 00.10.04.jpg


Well-Known Member
im using a FFOF with pro mix HP and BX mixed (this shit is acidic(peat)) big bloom, tiger bloom, AN big bud :peace:
There's your sign dude. Keep it simple. The more you screw around with nutes the more chances you have of burning perfectly good plants. Genetics do most of the work anyways.

I recommend a good flushing with pH balanced water then using a simple 20-20-20 fert at 1/2 the recommended dosage.


Well-Known Member
if i can throw in my 2 cents-

i can definately tell that is a ph problem. probably combined with nute lockup. i would ph water after you mix nutes. also go halvsies on nutes and gradually up dosage. hope i helped.


Active Member
I did quater doses of nutes and keep watering with a really high ph still gettin ph run off of 6.4. Could to much ph up mess it up? Should I just water with a good ph say 6.6 flushimg them until runoff matches or keep watering with a 9 or so? The other plant is doin great same shit same strain, maybe just genectics


Active Member
i guess i will water her again when i turn the lights on tonite and see if i can get that ph up. give a her a real good flush hopefully this is the problem.