Some Of My Bubble Hash I Just Mad With My Bubble Bags


Well-Known Member
That looks killer!

what screen sizes did you use? I got 220 and 70 micron ice-o-later bags and can't way to try them out!

all in all a pretty AWESOME harvest you got there.



Well-Known Member
sand monkey i used the same screens as you and thanks guys i got some honey oil did you see them and a little pressed hash i have so much hash right now lol and its all mine i did give my buddy a gram of honey and a gram of bubble for 10 grams of nyc deisel


Well-Known Member
and you cant really tell the size first one is 8 grams second is 7 grams and the third is a wopping 26 grams its a chunk lol


Well-Known Member
johnty you and this guy are fkn idiots because these are not your images. Why would you steal pics? get a life


Well-Known Member
i mean he might of gotten away with it.. but some of the people on theis forum look at bud/hash porn more than real porn...

grape swisha

Well-Known Member
yea i have seen these pics multiple times before. and this guy seems to have a new harvest everyday for some reason. what a dumbass tryin to be cool on the internet. :wall:


Well-Known Member
haha he didnt even change the names of the pictures as he was stealing them.. check it out they are still named "afgani" "nepaleas" "indian"
they arent even bubble hash?


Well-Known Member
I realised straight away. That first pic looks like soapbar, lol. And that honey pic is probably older than you.


LOL what a llama...make a friend kid! what a baddy and a failure in life.


Well-Known Member
this guy stops posting once he has been found out, but yet he makes more false threads about how is sum kind of a super grower, maybe he has ADD


I don't think he knows how to make a friend..Impressing someone with other peoples grows for the +rep or whatever got you off, is shwaggtastic...we are smarter than you johnny.


Well-Known Member
i made this like a week ago with some leftover bubble bags i figured i have enough honey oil lol figured i show off my honey some more as well :leaf::weed::leaf::leaf::leaf:

I have seen the same picture on the far right on the internet many times. the one saying honey. I swear i seen it in a magazine about bubble bags to. FAKE