Some plants are droopyish?

Hello! I've just joined Roll it Up! I'm Rocket Pussy Penguin :cool:

I've just transplanted my plants into their big pots now! I have one beauty and her leaves are always pointing upright. and my others are a little more droopy usually. I wouldn't say they're over watered, their top branches are upright, and the rest are a tiny bit droopy. Is there any other reasons for droopiness?

Thanks in advance!


L S D Pepper

Well-Known Member
Hello! I've just joined Roll it Up! I'm Rocket Pussy Penguin :cool:

I've just transplanted my plants into their big pots now! I have one beauty and her leaves are always pointing upright. and my others are a little more droopy usually. I wouldn't say they're over watered, their top branches are upright, and the rest are a tiny bit droopy. Is there any other reasons for droopiness?

Thanks in advance!

Transplanting can cause them to stress, observe them for a few days, should pick back up.