some questions from a newbie grower


Active Member
well ive been growing for two weeks now and its way too exciting, anyways, ive been doing lots of reading and viewing and i cant find any real answers on how and when to properly mist your plants with co2 water. im wondering what size your plants should be when you should start using this stuff, how often should you should give it to your plants, and how much. also, on a side note, i came back from work today, and noticed that one of my little babies has a couple, small yellow dots on the leaves, i checked the temp and it was fine, if anyone feels like answering those questions thatd be sweeeet. thanks


well ive been growing for two weeks now and its way too exciting, anyways, ive been doing lots of reading and viewing and i cant find any real answers on how and when to properly mist your plants with co2 water. im wondering what size your plants should be when you should start using this stuff, how often should you should give it to your plants, and how much. also, on a side note, i came back from work today, and noticed that one of my little babies has a couple, small yellow dots on the leaves, i checked the temp and it was fine, if anyone feels like answering those questions thatd be sweeeet. thanks
Small yellow dots.. check for bugs under the leaves.. and post a pic

Your plant doesnt NEED the co2 water. and most people don't use it, thats why you probobly cant find much, a good estimate is once a day. mornings to the plant probobly better. the added co2 also may have no effect if there isnt enough light for the plants to use it in photosynthesis. continueing on, a gentle mist on the top and bottoms of leaves is a sufficient amount, doing so on the bottom of the leaves could also deter insects. As for size i would'nt know, i would imagine when they have 3-4 sets of leaves would be optimal to start... if they are even getting enough light to use it


Well-Known Member
if you dont have heat issues there is no need for co2. the co2 opens stomata on the plant allowing them to feed. if you keep temps down there is ample co2 in our air for the plants. i have an endless supply of medical oxygen and co2 and i have yet to find a good use


Well-Known Member
actually the plant only closes its stomata due to high temperature to reduce the amount of water loss. the CO2 has nothing to do with it. the amount of CO2 the plant can absorb is drastically reduced in high temp because the stomates are closed. and there is no need for CO2 water misted on your plant. you can increase the amount of CO2 in the area by using yeast, water and a 2 liter bottle with a hose out of the top but if your temp is too high this will have no effect.


Well-Known Member
and about the brown dots. what is your temperature in the grow area and have you been fertilizing yet. sometime you can be getting nute burn if you fert the plant too early. coule also be a dificiency of some kind and the plants need to be fertilized if you havent been. pics would help with that issure


Active Member
It could also be an infection of the plant... Are you growing outdoors or indoors, mate?
I've heard that apparently, yellow dots could be spider mites or an insect attack. Maybe is your humidity a little too high, which could cause the proliferation of bacteria in your growing space...


New Member
all you stupid growers who worry about every little thing piss me off lol.. a novice grower worries about everysingle little thing about there plants.. the yeloww spot is just probably a shitty seed or sumthing.. nuthing to worry about,,, adn also you mcan mist your plsnt anytime.. it will kepp the bug free of dust and bugs.. such as spidermites.. which you dont want.


Well-Known Member
all you stupid growers who worry about every little thing piss me off lol.. a novice grower worries about everysingle little thing about there plants.. the yeloww spot is just probably a shitty seed or sumthing.. nuthing to worry about,,, adn also you mcan mist your plsnt anytime.. it will kepp the bug free of dust and bugs.. such as spidermites.. which you dont want.
I'm quoting this just because it's funny.


Active Member
all you stupid growers who worry about every little thing piss me off lol.. a novice grower worries about everysingle little thing about there plants.. the yeloww spot is just probably a shitty seed or sumthing.. nuthing to worry about,,, adn also you mcan mist your plsnt anytime.. it will kepp the bug free of dust and bugs.. such as spidermites.. which you dont want.

Most of the people who worry A LOT, I agree, over do it.
But otherwise, lots of these problems can have a negative impact on the whole life of your plant. If you want any kind of harvest, usually, you'll try to at least get your plant to live until it flowers.


Well-Known Member
have u alrady been misting them??? that could be ur dots... the light gets magnified threw the droplets and burns the leaves.. if u spray.. do it when the lights r out or jus b4 they do or early morn...


Well-Known Member
all you stupid growers who worry about every little thing piss me off lol.. a novice grower worries about everysingle little thing about there plants.. the yeloww spot is just probably a shitty seed or sumthing.. nuthing to worry about,,, adn also you mcan mist your plsnt anytime.. it will kepp the bug free of dust and bugs.. such as spidermites.. which you dont want.
this is true and the 1 mistake ppl make most is overcare for there plants... worry bout every little detail... u gotta pick ur battles.. things will nvr be perfect and the more u analize and try to fix or better ur plants, the more u damage it... it jus creates a snow ball afect.. u add more nutes cuza sumthin and then it gets over nuted and then u gotta try and fix it.. b4 u know it u have soooo many problems