some questions lads, would love ur help

ive currently got 1 plant autoflowering under 60Ws cfl, its only been growing for 3 days but im planning on taking it outdoors. How long should i wait till its strong enough to go outdoors? how do i prepare the plant for the hot weathers of thailand where im living before i acutally put it outside? should i increase the wattage or 60 should be fine?

cheers guys


Well-Known Member
I would say yes, increase your wattage first, or just give it some indirect sun maybe close to the house, also sheltered from direct wind for a week or two.
Don't forget to keep an eye on your watering habits too, as they will change putting her outside.

Hang on, I just reread what you wrote, and if it was mine, I would wait a couple weeks to go outside, then do that.^^^^^^^^^^^


Active Member
I say when there are 4 sets of leaves put her out. Each day for a few hours for a week. Then after that week put em out fully. Also cheep shade clothe helps seedlings in intense sun. When she gets bigger just take it off.
can i put them outside for say 5 hours and then back indoor? for how long should i set the timer indoors? does the plant need to adjust to a climate and stay that way or is it ok to move them back and forth from indoor to outdoor? im scared to shock the plant and kill it :s


Well-Known Member
Fuck it.
If Mr Wooten says ok, try it.
I won't argue, just being cautious, but I took mine from fucked up light, and threw them in sun, and they did fine.
Maybe I'm just being a mom (bitch?)