Somebody Help. SCROG. Main Stem.!?!?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
OK ,so you counter-tie the main stem and pull it under the screen in any direction as it grows as long as its is getting good light?

The screen goes 10ish inches above the potter ( for maintenance and clones, air) .Obviously you cant do anything until they reach the screen right? or would you train with twistys to the pot until it pokes though?

The light as low to the plants as temps allow.(AC Hoody )

:shock: Im kind of confused because of all the diverse methods like topping lst hst. bog on and on .ect
(Plus there seems to be only 2 editorials on this method that everybody recycles on the internets and they are not picture friendly. I learnded better from pictures.)

I don't want to top per say, I have only 5ft. vertical space but like 5 x 7 wide/long.

600watt hps. aslo many would you try to squeeze in there?

c99 and Chronic Indicas.

My first time ever.

Be gentle.


Active Member
There are probably a hundred different opinions on this but I will offer mine.

I grow one plant at a time so my approach may be different than when you use a larger screen with multiple plants. I typically top the plant to get more major stems. This keeps the length of the stems more manageable.

Assuming that your screen is a bit smaller than the actually interior you could place 3 pots in a row about a foot from both the front and back of the screen (6 plants total, approx. 5 sq feet per plant) and bend the main stems so they grow front to back where you have the most length in the cabinet. The secondary branches will fill in the screen as you train each plant.

This is the fun part, moving the branches around to create as many bud sites as possible. Bend them early and move the stems/branches to the next furthest segment of the screen as they grow in length. if you start the training process early there is really no need to tie them down since they won't apply a lot of pressure to the screen and will grow naturally towards the light.

You will learn some lessons from the first grow and will improve your technique the next time around.

Here is a link to another post that describes the way I built my screen:


Pic1 - For my first grow I just bent over the main stem, plant is 8 weeks old.

Pics 2 & 3 - Are from a another grow, in this case I topped the main. The plant is finished and I removed it from the screen for harveting.

Best of luck on your first grow.

