Somebody please help!

33 views and no help, thought this was a helpful site? In dire need of some friendly help! dont wanna post it on here so please PM me if your willing to help. No im not a cop.

chef c

Well-Known Member
Im in the springs! I'd totally love to help purpslovindude! That's is if I hadn't read the post where you called me a douchebag thirty seconds ago. Sooooo, instead why dont you take your spider mite infested, mildew infected, F1 herms you got from a bag of nebraska (no offence) ditch weed, and go fly a kite. I never said AnYtHinG to you jerk.
ur right u never said anything to me but you were talking shit on several different people, so i stood up because i thought it was wrong. that makes me a bad guy then fuck it. not growing yet, still waiting to get my rec, just moved to the springs, im not a newb to gowing just the state, and i needed help some other way, not with info, so if it offended u my bad but it kinda offended me that u were calling that dude a liar and a dumbass over him asking a question, thats not cool. just because u say no offence doesnt mean people dont get offended, so thats where i was standing on that, have a good one bro.


Well-Known Member
This is indeed an incredibly helpful site. I suggest you do some searching on the forums and I'd be surprised if you don't find some answers for the problem you are having. Peace.


Well-Known Member
ur right u never said anything to me but you were talking shit on several different people, so i stood up because i thought it was wrong. that makes me a bad guy then fuck it. not growing yet, still waiting to get my rec, just moved to the springs, im not a newb to gowing just the state, and i needed help some other way, not with info, so if it offended u my bad but it kinda offended me that u were calling that dude a liar and a dumbass over him asking a question, thats not cool. just because u say no offence doesnt mean people dont get offended, so thats where i was standing on that, have a good one bro.


Well-Known Member
also, just saying HELP and not really defining the problem is kina counter productive. What do you needhelp with? If you ask maybe someone would be able to give you a solution

Again, you have not said what you are needing help with. If you could be more specific, then someone who knew about what you are needing could contact you. Without that information, don't expect help. And if you wish to communicate in a forum and have your posts both understood, proper English is good to know. "but im not trying to use proper grammar." ? Why? You don't want to be understood? So, you don't want to make yourself clear in any way, yet you get angry when you don't get a response? If you can state what area you need help in, you will most likely find people quite helpful. Without making yourself clear, you are only adding to the noise.


Well-Known Member
ur right, it is a major run on but im not trying to use proper grammar. Would you like me to use proper punctuation? lol thanks for the english lesson

Well there is a reason the period was invented, besides letting women know they are not pregnant it is used so people can understand what the fuck you are trying to say.

chef c

Well-Known Member
ur right u never said anything to me but you were talking shit on several different people, so i stood up because i thought it was wrong. that makes me a bad guy then fuck it. not growing yet, still waiting to get my rec, just moved to the springs, im not a newb to gowing just the state, and i needed help some other way, not with info, so if it offended u my bad but it kinda offended me that u were calling that dude a liar and a dumbass over him asking a question, thats not cool. just because u say no offence doesnt mean people dont get offended, so thats where i was standing on that, have a good one bro.
I'm not your bro, n00b cheese. And, as long as we agree that I'm right, (I didn't read past your first two words) that's all that matters to me.


Well-Known Member
Well there is a reason the period was invented, besides letting women know they are not pregnant
haha .. that shit made me choke my coffee up

and purps. there are many people here with a lot of knowledge willing to help, but without you giving at least a little detail, it's doubtful anyone is going to jump up. we all have too much shit going on in life. give a hint and you'll be more likely to get a response from someone who might actually be able to assist .......
So, I was right about chef being a fuckin douche bag! Your little man syndrome wouldn't let you shut the fuck up would it? My first harvest in this state will beat any harvests you'll ever have or had! So without further adue sit down and get over yourself chef. One more thing BRO, just cause you spend all you time trolling forums doesn't mean your a growing guru, you insecure narcissist. Proper enough grammar for everyone? And look proper punctuation!
Now for the help that I needed. I was looking for some discrete help if anyone UNDERSTANDS that! Obviously some have, because they have pm'd me. Thanks to those who offered there help or guidance in my search. Anymore help with my dilemma would be greatly appreciated. Only looking for help from people in the Co. Springs area! Thanks for your time in advance.


Well-Known Member
I understand the situation, but nada I can do ... I'm a legit grower and won't risk that for anyone. besides, Chef is my bro and a legit grower .... his gear is better then many I've smoked in this state and he has a pretty solid head on his shoulders and is good peeps. 'nough said.


Well-Known Member
I understand the situation, but nada I can do ... I'm a legit grower and won't risk that for anyone. besides, Chef is my bro and a legit grower .... his gear is better then many I've smoked in this state and he has a pretty solid head on his shoulders and is good peeps. 'nough said.
Sounds to me like someone is coming onto a forum and asking other people to do something risky an against the law while acting like a complete immature dick the whole time. I wouldn't expect much help especially having no rep or references and given your attitude.


Active Member
I think you should go back home purpslovindude. You are fouling up my home and that is rude. By the way, you should have used a coma after "and look."
I swear, nobody has aything better to do than to sit on a forum site and jock my thread. If you dont like what is being posted(and most of you havent read all of the posts, im sure) then dont answer or read the thread. @Moses, im one of the nicest, most outgoing people you'd ever meet. But when people start talking shit on other people just for asking some questions, im going to say something. If that makes me wrong for standing up for my fellow man, then you assholes need a lesson in compassion. And speaking of being rude, you have no reason to even post on this thread, let alone that im fouling up your home, Bitch you dont own CO. @420 Yes, i was asking for some RISKY help thats against the law. What are we back in middle school? (And by the way 420, find another quote and pay johnny depp for that one.) People break the law everyday, wether or not it's medically legal. I guess i should've went on craigslist and been really illegal, huh? No, instead I figured i would come on to this site, that's all about weed(and not fucking grammar class), and see if I couldnt find someone generous enough to work with me until I recieve my red card. Boy oh boy was I wrong. So for all the shit talkers that are going to read this post and want to reply, save yourself the time and don't. Especially if you dont know the whole story. Have a nice day!!!!!


STEALING EYECANDIS SIGNATURE!!! "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind!!!!! Everyone needs to really sit back and think about that for awhile.


Well-Known Member
A guy with 25 or less posts comes onto a forum for legal growers and in his first posts bashes a site member asks for hookups. On top of this instead of manning up and apologizing and providing at least a hint of information he decides to act like an arrogant child who thinks his shit don't stink and is owed the world. Seriously kid craigslist is just for you.


Active Member
Hey bitch, the reason I opened your out of townie thread was because of the misleading need for help title; out of "compassion" for my fellow man (or you). I told you to go home, not because I "own" CO, while I am a Pioneer native, but because of idiots like you asking/doing illegal things ruining our industry here. That is why you need to go home; so you can f^@% up your own state and industry and let us reclaim ours.

Once again purpslovindude, go back home as you are fouling up my home and that is rude. F^@&ing clown shoe.