someday they will have....


Well-Known Member
Would you look at that! Mmmm fancy emotion bots, Would you just look at that!


Well-Known Member
Would you just look at that !!! I want a R2D2. Would you just look at that!! Freaking AI= Artificial Intelligence... lol

Would you just look at that, Just... just Take a look at that!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
someday in the future they will have satellites with laser beams to scratch your ass


Well-Known Member
So funny you say that, me and the Wifey was just looking thru a book of toys & stimulants...

Gotta keep your love life healthy or else your relationship will lack something ( IMHO ) that is essential for a healthy relationship and toys are the Key. :)

Gotta "Silver Bullet" do you? ;) right on girl.

i already have one, i call him Mr wiggles, he's purple and takes AAA's