Someone please tell me if this little one is healthy. D: (Pics)


Well-Known Member
Okay, So its two weeks old. and as you can see the leaves curl inward like tacos almost. and the feel of the leaves is rough to the touch.. like a cats tounge. Also the stem seems to be getting some color to it. All im wondering is if its lookin healthy. thanks:leaf:



Well-Known Member
The little ones at the bottom im not concerned about. In the third pic you can see the edge of the leaf starting to get a little bit of yellow. im just worried its gunna spread and die. D:


Active Member
I dont see any yellow on any of the fan leafs just that little one and they die.

I just went to take a pic of mine and there gone!!


Well-Known Member
There is the tiniest bit of yellow at the very end of one of the fan leaves. not very much though so i guess its not significant enough to harm anything.


As long as you are controlling your environment. (PH, Temp, PPM ect...) I wouldn't worry about a small amount of brown/yellow on a leaf tip. My healthy full grown plant will still get some yellow/brown here and there from time to time.

I'd just let it go for now (there isn't really much else you can do) and see how it turns out. Keep a close eye on it and see how it develops. If it starts getting worse get some close-up "as detailed as possible" pics and repost them here for the experts to take a look at. (I am not an expert.)


I just looked at your third pic because I overlooked the yellow the first time. And holy crap are you really stressing over that? That's nothing. Your plant looks good. You got a bushy one on your hands.


Alright i guess i am a little over concerned. i just wanted to catch something before it got to bad. :p
No that's totally a good thing. You should always be examining your plants for issues. Things are usually easier to correct if you catch them early. But that really doesn't appear to be anything. It's so little un-defined damage that it could be from anything. Water, temp, ph, nutes, soil. Roll one up and take a deep breath. Relaaaax.


Well-Known Member
Okay so this has just happened in the last few hours.. i dont know whats going on but yellow sploches seem to be appearing on the fan leaves. this one has the worst of it. Any suggestions?



Active Member
Don't water or spritz your leaves with the lights on. I n that pic I see water on the leaf that drop will act like a magnifying glass on your leaf and cause burn spots. Too much love.


That looks like damage from a water bubble sitting on the leaf under direct light. See in your pic how you have a glob of water chilling there? That can act like a magnifying glass from the light above and burn your leaf. If you need to mist your plants do it when the lights are off, although you shouldn't need to mist a fully rooted plant. Take care when you are watering them to not get water on the leaves, if you do, dab it up with some paper towel. I've had a glob burn a hole through my entire leaf before. Plant looks good otherwise.


Upon a closer look. You see the whitish haze on your leafs? That looks like some sort of mineral or salt deposit left behind by evaporating water. Are you using tap water to water with? If so are you monitoring your PH and such?