Ive never said this before buddy, but your problems just begun. The stems are purple, that's means your deficient. Usually. Phosphorous or magnesium. It could be genetics but I doubt it, since the hole you have probably indicates you have bugs also... On top of that, as I'm not positive of your product line, your mixing great white which I believe is a mycorizzea with general hydroponics? Can you say germs on steroids!??? Um... I hope you listen to what I'm going to tell you... If not, your likely to fail... Rather quickly...
1. Go get neem oil, use it! You probably have aphids or spider mites. (don't believe me flip the leaf with a hole over, look at underside with a good magnify glass, you got bugs!) Use before lights out!!!
2. Change your resivior! Add 5-10 drops bleach per gallon of water, drops!
3. Pick n use correct products. (Mixing organics and nutes is bad! Asking for trouble...) nova is a bloom. You want a veg fertilizer. You need to get the micro and gro. Use those until flower. Or go into flower now, up to you...
If you have anymore questions about what I'm suggesting, let me know, I'm here, as long as your doing it... Go spend the $30 on fertilizers and $5 on neem oil. Change resivior, spray ladies and do it all over again every week, twice even, few weeks you'll be golden...
If you don't listen, make sure you update us, so I can say I told you so lol...
Use GH as directed. And calmag water. That's it. Take water, add 1 ml per gal calmag, until its 200-250 ppm. Then add micro and gro until you hit 600. Unless you wanna go higher...