Something I cant figure out.


Hey guys. I have something happening to my new plant and can't seem to figure out what is the cause. I use biobizz grow 0.2ml/l as they are stil small. RO water. 0.4ml/l silicon plus, 1/4 teaspoon cal mag nitrate and pH to 5.8. Light is far enough away, so it's not light burn, and not heat stress as it's been 27-30deg celsius. Can't be nute burn as there are no burnt tips, only blotches that seem to dry out. I checked over many nute deficiencies online, but none look like this. Checked for bugs/pests, nothing. The plant right next to it seems healthy, even the effected one seems healthy on top, but for how long... Have anyone seen this before?



Yes, it is a starter plug indeed. Started from seed a few weeks ago. I am planting them over into 30l pots this weekend. Do you really recon its because it's root bound, I know they can show some strange symptoms when they get root bound.


Well-Known Member
It's quite small for a few week old plant. Just to give you an idea, these guys are 2 weeks old today 20200212_003609.jpg


Ok, Transplanted the ladies, they are looking much happier this morning!! Don't know why the f*#$ I didn't transplant them earlier!!! At least I know now what they look like when they express claustrophobia :wall:

