Something I Just Experienced


Well-Known Member
This is probably going to be a little different than most of the threads I usually post..

So I'm a really lone wolf kind of guy, spend probably 90% of my time by myself, I'm sitting here at the table browsing the internet, not really doing anything super important, just reading articles or whatever.. My sister and her boyfriend are outside with a few people getting drunk playing beer pong, earlier, about an hour ago, right when I was finishing cooking dinner, he came in and was visibly a little drunk, slurred speech, and was talking to me about his and my sisters life together, OK, whatever, I'm not going to be a dick, so I stand there and talk to him for 5 or 10 minutes, kind of hinting that I'm trying to prepare dinner and get ready to eat, walking around him in the kitchen, that sort of stuff. None of the hints are noticed, so I kind of mini snap inside my head and say "well, dinner time.." and he goes back outside.

Just now he came back inside, much more drunk, and began telling me the exact same story as last time from the beginning. Again, not wanting to be a dick, I sat here and indulged him.. As he walked up I was in the middle of reading something, kind of 'in the middle of something' looking, so he was standing there talking and after about 5 minutes inside my head I was having an anxiety attack at not being able to get a hint across to this guy. He's a really nice guy, I don't dislike him or anything, it was just excruciating sitting here with absolutely no defense! I broke after he pulled up a chair next to me and sat for another...

...Jesus fucking christ, dude just came back in for round 3 as I was writing this. SAME EXACT FUCKING STORY, except this time, he decided to tell me about drama they've been having on facebook!

...sat for another 10 minutes going on and on, over and over again, exact same stuff!!! I said "dude, you're pretty drunk, you keep telling me the exact same things like 4 times...", and he laughed it off and walked away again.

That can't be a normal reaction to have, right? I was trying to drop every hint in the book as polite as possible but the guy just wasn't getting it. I find these kinds of interactions happen pretty often with other people completely sober, and I have similar reactions. Especially if someone constantly brings up old stories involving me. I know a few people who do that, I don't see them very often so when I do, saaaaaaaaame story. I experienced it, I was there with you.. Yeah it was cool when it happened but it loses it's appeal when you hear it 40 or 50 times...

Small talk I guess.. small pointless talk about nothing really important that seem to inhabit most human interactions. How the fuck do you deal with it properly?


Well-Known Member
Haha. I find it funny when people tell me the same story over and over but change it up every once in a while. When I catch them in a lie, I show no appreciation for their story so that they feel bad for lying.

But that's not really relelvant.

Dude I hate small talk. "Hey how's school and work?" "Oh STFU talk to me about fun stuff".
Again, not really relevant.

When my friends keep talking too much, I let them know I'm reading or doing something by saying "Dude, I'm trying to concentrate". I don't say it completely dicked off (lol dicked off) since they're my friends, so I say it with a friendly smile. When my sister would have her friends over and they'd annoy me, I'd just ignore them. Yeah I know, I'm a dick. They even thought of me as a dick. Oh well.

My advice is to get cool enough with the dude (if you want to) to the point where you can pretty much tell him to shut up and he'll just laugh it off and stop talking so much. If you don't like the dude all that much, I say you just ignore him.. It doesn't seem to work on your guy though.. Maybe it's because he was piss drunk IDK.


New Member
Lmao, well everyone can act a little different when they're drunk, I never black out and always remember what everything I did the night before, never understood that whole people are prettier when you're drunk either, fat chick still look fat. It's good that you kept your composure, some drunks can snap in an instant.


Well-Known Member
Padawan, I've had this same thing happen to me on several occasions. I'm a teetotaler, but I have had a lot of friends who drink in the past, and they do this shit all the time. One guy in particular used to regale me with the same stories over and over again, and then get offended when I stopped listening after the 5th time. I just decided to stop associating with them alltogether. Drunk people...geeze.


Well-Known Member
You have to use some humor, so as to not offend. Say something easy like, "bro, I need some me time", and when that doesn't work, something like, "Allright, Drunkie!" while pointing back out the door like your telling your dog to go lay down. Assertive without being an ass. Smiling while telling them to beat feet, click their heels, etc, helps too. If they get hostile, just smile, and say, "ah, no, bro, nothing but love, but I just need some time alone, thanks, though". If THAT doesn't work, a frying pan to the noggin is a great redirect of their attention.


Well-Known Member
You have to use some humor, so as to not offend. Say something easy like, "bro, I need some me time", and when that doesn't work, something like, "Allright, Drunkie!" while pointing back out the door like your telling your dog to go lay down. Assertive without being an ass. Smiling while telling them to beat feet, click their heels, etc, helps too. If they get hostile, just smile, and say, "ah, no, bro, nothing but love, but I just need some time alone, thanks, though". If THAT doesn't work, a frying pan to the noggin is a great redirect of their attention.
Or you could just pee on their shoes.

But yeah, good advice Clayton. Ooogie boogie!


Well-Known Member
Put some headphones in and listen to some music and the next time he comes and sits down to talk to you, you wont even hear what he is saying. Just nod in approval and let him be a groundhog day drunk.


Well-Known Member
tune drunk ppl out an just say yea every once in a while after they stop talkin an they wont know you're not hearin a damn thing they're sayin. shit i do that to sober ppl too what am i talkin about lol


Well-Known Member
Haha. I find it funny when people tell me the same story over and over but change it up every once in a while. When I catch them in a lie, I show no appreciation for their story so that they feel bad for lying.
lmfao I do similar stuff

Dude I hate small talk. "Hey how's school and work?" "Oh STFU talk to me about fun stuff".

Goddamn yes! Not to mention so many people are incredibly judgmental. I recently noticed a few of the closest people I know are like that. Always concerned with you instead of themselves.. I'm not like that at all so it's tough to relate.

When my friends keep talking too much, I let them know I'm reading or doing something by saying "Dude, I'm trying to concentrate". I don't say it completely dicked off (lol dicked off) since they're my friends, so I say it with a friendly smile. When my sister would have her friends over and they'd annoy me, I'd just ignore them. Yeah I know, I'm a dick. They even thought of me as a dick. Oh well.
Yeah, this must be something I never learned correctly or something. I don't know the proper way to tell someone I'm busy doing my own thing, every previous attempt I've ever made pretty much has resulted in the other person thinking I'm a dick for bringing it up.

One time, just to test this out, I had my girlfriend (of a few months) come over and we hung out in my room, I just sat there drawing in my sketchpad while she played some video game, eventually she asked me "are you done drawing yet, can we hang out now..?" and I kind of felt like she was just painfully trying to figure something out to do while I was busy focused on drawing.. not really anything. Just doodling to pass time, thinking we were spending time together.. Later I attempted something similar with another girlfriend, I was using a laptop in the same room, on the same couch as my girlfriend (of a few months) while she was watching some housewives show that I hated. She said I was neglecting her because I was using the computer because I didn't want to watch that show with her, on the same couch... in the same room... :shock:

Nobody seems to just be able to kindly take a hint... instead it seems like they have to call you out in the most public way possible or acknowledge it, but pretend they don't and continue, and sometimes even exasperate, the issue... Has led me to just consider saying 'fuck it' and discarding passive aggressiveness for forward hostility. "Shut the fuck up with your bullshit, I'm busy, kick rocks!" NWO white guy style.

My advice is to get cool enough with the dude (if you want to) to the point where you can pretty much tell him to shut up and he'll just laugh it off and stop talking so much. If you don't like the dude all that much, I say you just ignore him.. It doesn't seem to work on your guy though.. Maybe it's because he was piss drunk IDK.
Jesus, seems like so much work! I like him, but that requires quite a bit of effort on my part.. He's planning on moving to SF (he told me 3 times tonight!) soon, so shouldn't really be an issue.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure his behavior was because he was drunk. Who the fuck forgets telling a story to the same person 3 times in the same night!? lmao


Well-Known Member
Thats what alcohol does, you just trip your own trip your virtually impossible to diverge... If people don`t like it thats their problem. Story of the city streets on a saturday!!

The 'not giving a fuck' effect is the magic of booze. I mean people at that level of drunkness usually need another drunk to cope with them, willingly. Not someone who is happily stoned & sorting himself out with some munchies.

From my experience though you either have to help them, laugh at them or completely ignore them you went wrong to be worked up about him lol

Makes drunks sound invincible, but bullshit. Time for revenge is when they are too fucked to move :dunce:


Well-Known Member
I agree with Tenner,getting worked up about a drunk is not how to handle them in my opinion and experience,Firstly you know they are drunk,so I wouldnt be listening to anything hes trying to say from the get go,Just be like ya sure whatever you say,Oh i think someones calling your name better go see what they want,distract him!Secondly, if that wont work,then proceed to tell him something he cant comprehend,just really contemplative,they will start getting mind boggled and loose interest as they are the drunken person.Finaly,If all else fails,get a tazer!I know,it sounds a bit extreme,but it is a real way to get your point acrosss,You can just say yea i think he passed out finaly man he was really drunk!,well there ya have it good luck!