somewhat of a newbie -


Active Member
I used to frequent overgrow and got paranoid when they took it down so havent grown in what 2 years :...

well been lurking here for a bit and think i may call this home for now.

I just started growing again, had some old strains in my fridge and propogated them.

skunk x1 , california orange x 4, pok kush X x 1, northern lights x 3 and black widow x 3.

hopeing to get a few strong mothers.

They are currently under a 250 wat MH for flowering 1 week old or so, lucky the temps ahve been low in my area the grow box is about 80 degrees right now with te light on 18 x 6. and fans visably mvoing em around.

i have a 400 watt HPS in the other chamber ill switch to once mothers are identified and I start cloning (Sea of green method for me).

I Am going to build a new grow box. HAve an old dresser and may go florecent on one side and do away withte MH (no room) and keep hte HPS for the SEG grow. I have a huge old computer / serer case im goignt o place on top and make a mother chamber for my 3 main moms once they are established.

I keep my grow in a locked shed in my back yard.

I want teh dresser cause its a bit more stelth then the plywood box that i have now.

jsut saying HI basically :p.