somthing terribly wrong. please help :\


1000 watt hps, week 4 flowering, temps 85+, some c02.

I first noticed something wrong the next day after watering, there were a few yellow spots throughout the leaves and a couple curled dead/dried out leaves. see pictures 3 and 4.

I flushed her as soon as i saw this.

2 days later i fed her plain R/O water no nutes.

its been 2 days and this is the result, pics one and two.

the small plant in the other picture is a clone i took from the mom and it was fed the exact same water + nutes as the mom with it remaining completely normal.

the temperatures have not been an issue throughout the entire grow. light has not come anywhere near them either.

any input on to what could be causing this would be greatly appreciated. ty.



Active Member
im not positive but it seems with that much damage to the whole plant its heat.
plants dont do well under high 80 low 90.
i always thought high 70s was perfect. maybe do a flush and lower the temp a little for some improvement. if temp hasnt been a problem are they getting enough water? drying leaves says either one or the other.

if not bump for someone else.


Active Member
i would say its a heat / light problem.. they look like your light burned them and if you are not running c02 that room is to hot at 85 + raise your light and fix your heat problem


the temperature has never been a problem ever. all throughout veg and up to now. I cant see it just starting one day because the plant felt like it :\ and as you can see the plant right next to it in the other picture is just fine. also, the plant seems to be "burnt" all the way from the bottom to top. not just near the top where you would see heat damage normally when the light gets too close. its already 2-3 feet away. I have been feeding it c02 just not in your typical way. i have a small c02 canister that i release a bit of into the room every few hours.moto_0178.jpg


Active Member
Well, it looks like its water or heat. Remember in flower and as they get bigger they get the more water they need. Sorry I'm stoned


alright ill increase watering and see how it does. if anybody else has any ideas or knows whats wrong. please. go ahead and post.


Well-Known Member
Did you PH the fert before you fed your plants? Looks like they are nute-locked from low PH. :) I did that to my own when i first started, and my plants ended up looking exactly like those, with those same curled leaves, and at the same stage of bloom. I flushed them with lime and water(no, not a mixed, but, I used a SHITLOAD of lime, so I'm going to recommend the normal amount that sane growers use,lol........1 tablespoon per gallon of water. Honestly though, I used like 50 tablespoons per gallon, and it didn't hurt 'em one bit. So, I wouldn't be afraid to double it up, for the first 3 gallons or so. Also, the soil didn't go acidic again, either. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I'm still convinced that it's a low PH issue, because the plants look identical to mine, back when I had my major screw Have you given that smaller uneffected plant any fert? I'm asking, because it's possible that your PH meter is out of calibration, or really inaccurate. What kind of tester do you use? Do you calibrate it often?

Also, this is a long-shot, but I might as well ask while it's in my head,lol.....have you sprayed the foliage with anything? I also agree that it's not a heat issue, based on your previous grows, and my own. Mine went through a couple weeks of 100* heat last summer, and it didn't burn them at all. It might've slowed them down a little, but that's it. Have you checked the PH of the runoff, by any chance? Some growers think it's meaningless to check it, but I don't. They'll argue all day long, but will never convince me that if i pour in water at 6.8, and it comes out at 5.0, that everything is a-okay. That's BS, IMO. Something in that soil is well below 5.0, in order to drop the PH that low, and that doesn't sit well with me. That's when I break out the lime and start flushing, until that PH is at least 6.2, although I almost always continue til it's around 6.5. Yeah, I may be picky, but my plants don't seem to mind :wink:


both plants have been fed the exact same water + nutes from the same batch at the time it was mixed. i use the sunleaves ph tester kit, foliage has not been sprayed. going to test runoff now.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm....well, all I can say is that something is stressing them and making them sensitive to heat that would normally be fine, and also looks to be locking up some nutes. IF I'm wrong about the PH(I don't have much faith in those types of tests :razz:), I'm out of ideas ATM, so I'm going to go take a few tokes and hope i come up with another brainstorm.LOL


i actually wanted to buy one of the electronic testers when i went to the local hydro shop a while ago and the guy there told me that this liquid testing dropper is just as accurate and does not need to be constantly calibrated, and its cheap...... and he told me not to waste my money on the electronic one that he sold in his own store. and this was the shop owner that told me this so.....


Well-Known Member
^Honestly, those liquid tests aren't too bad, and are alot better than those test strips. As long as your runoff was pretty clear, your PH reading should be fairly accurate. IDK man, I'm stumped.


Well-Known Member
it looks just like its a little nute burnt.
i would just flush and finish with a little less nutes then what you been giving it.