soonest i can spray


Well-Known Member
When is the soonest you can start spraying yournew plants with neem oil, and safer caterpillar killer. I want to star as soon as possible and keep those fucking bugs off my weed. They are outside in my garden surrounded with marigolds.
Theres no such thing as prevention only treating a prob u have and u don't have one, Pesticides have little residual effect. my advise is to put down some diatomaceous earth that'll knock out any eggs in your soil and will add silica to the nute profile and that's good.
if u dilute the stuff ur spraying to 1/4 strength u can start even a month in is my guess. pesticides don't affect plants as much as herbicides.
I'm a lil stoned sorry for the rant, lol

edit: I used to spray pesticides for a living...try not to spray in temps over 90F. in full sun'll burn.:)
Theres no such thing as prevention only treating a prob u have and u don't have one, Pesticides have little residual effect. my advise is to put down some diatomaceous earth that'll knock out any eggs in your soil and will add silica to the nute profile and that's good.
if u dilute the stuff ur spraying to 1/4 strength u can start even a month in is my guess. pesticides don't affect plants as much as herbicides.
I'm a lil stoned sorry for the rant, lol

edit: I used to spray pesticides for a living...try not to spray in temps over 90F. in full sun'll burn.:)
Ya i know about not spraying anything with the sun out. What is diatomaceous, and where can I get it. This was going to be one of my next questions, can I spray or put something in the soil to kill all the bugs and their larve in the soil that's in the garden to help prevent some bug problems. Without hurting my plants? Wish I stoned right now, good for you.bongsmilie
Thanks dude.
u could spray a week neem solution. like half the rate it says on the container. I wouldn't spray anything stronger till u see pests

diatomaceous earth has a million uses. u can even eat it. food grade DE is good for ur innards, lol.
but it also kills bugs in soil, including ants and beetles and their larvae
available at amazon and mb home center stores like Lowes or HD
u could spray a week neem solution. like half the rate it says on the container. I wouldn't spray anything stronger till u see pests

diatomaceous earth has a million uses. u can even eat it. food grade DE is good for ur innards, lol.
but it also kills bugs in soil, including ants and beetles and their larvae
available at amazon and mb home center stores like Lowes or HD
very good info I was about to say the same . also can wash the plants water . they are in veg wont hurt them. bugs hate water .