Sorry, another cross country driving question.

I'm very picky with my answers so i felt i needed to ask my own. I'm driving from Tucson, AZ to Kentucky. My route takes me through states like New Mexico and texas and shit like that. I wanna bring about a eigth, maybe more of some bud. It's not very stinky and I was thinking I would baggy it, wrap it in air fresheners, baggy it again in a more durable bag. Probably another baggy, and then jar it. Are there any places i need to worry about dogs? I 'm also driving with my parents so it's super unsuspicious.
I moved from the Boston area to Fort Worth Texas long time ago to take a "working vacation" for a while.

In Arkansas I got pulled over by a state trooper for going 3 miles an hour over the speed limit, yeah 58 in a 55 and he actually pulled me over. He asked me what was in the car (full of my clothes, tattooing gear and a couple guitar cases)....said he didnt believe me and had a dog come out because I looked "nervous".

Bastards ran the dog through my car and all my shit, the dog and the cops trashed my stuff; it was all over the ground and shit. They found nothing ( i smoked my last joint that AM in Tennessee) and actually wrote me a ticket for the 3 MPH speeding offense, no kidding. It was a long time ago but it wasnt called speeding more like "inattentive driving" or some bullshit like that.

Also had my car searched 2 times in Texas. Out of state plates can make you a target, just be aware of that and dont give them any reason to bust your chops.
Yeah i'd be way paranoid if i was going by myself. But like I said, ill be with my mom and my dad plus I dont dress like a "stoner" or anything that would make them suspicious of me.
It's really only the southern states you have to watch out for. You probably won't even see a cop in N.M. As long as your parents don't speed, you shouldn't even be pulled over. If you do get pulled over, it probably won't be a big deal, since you'll be with your parents. Just have Dad watch his speed and you should be fine.
i got a dwi in utah, and the judge made me bribe him for 5k to throw the case outta court
I'd pay $5K to get out of a DWI any day. That's a pretty good deal, if you ask me. Much better than getting convicted and having that crap on your record, not to mention having to pay fees, be on probation and do a bunch of community service and/or AA meetings.
watch out for per se DUID laws in New Mexico and Arizona. you don't have to be stoned to get a dui, you only need to have thc in your system.

also, no amount of baggies and wraps will EVER fool a dog, so fool the owner instead. keep your stash near meat of some kind. i always used to stop for fast food right away, leave a couple burgers leftover and keep my weed wrapped in a crumpled up burger wrapper.
Well i ended up wrapping it all up into joints and blunts so i feel like the smell of the blunts could throw off the smell of the bud as well. I'm also putting the baggies inside a stainless steel coffee thermos.
watch out for per se DUID laws in New Mexico and Arizona. you don't have to be stoned to get a dui, you only need to have thc in your system.

also, no amount of baggies and wraps will EVER fool a dog, so fool the owner instead. keep your stash near meat of some kind. i always used to stop for fast food right away, leave a couple burgers leftover and keep my weed wrapped in a crumpled up burger wrapper.
lol ive done that before, wrapped my bad of weed in a napkin, throwin it in an empty Mcdonalds burger wrap and threw it back in the bag...never got pulled over while doing that so dont know how well it would work with a dog unit sniffin
I've taken double/triple wrapped baggies through airport security on multiple occassions, even through the big "sniffing" machine thing. They're alot more serious than the average cop doing a traffic violation stop. I tied it to the inside of my undies with a piece of string. As long as you're careful with it and it doesn't smell you will be fine.
I'm not sure what you're worried about. It's not like there are security check points set up across the country. Obey traffic laws and you have absolutely nothing to worry about. I drove across the country with a couple zips of dank a couple years ago, never thought twice about it.
yeah, not gettin pulled over is your best bet. it doesnt matter how tight you wrap your shit, a dog can smell a single ounce of weed submerged in a 150,000 gallon tank of diesel the trick is to fool the cop, not the dog :bigjoint: good luck!