sos - plants look bad and stopped developing


Active Member
hi everyone, finally i can load some pics with the story, and here it goes:

my plants are 3 1/2 weeks into flowering (8 1/2 from seeds).

they are big buds, and i grow in 10L pots.

the vegging was smooth sailing, but when i went into 12/12 (and changed to fert to bloom fert at the same time and the lighting from CFL to HPS) the leaves started turning light green and even started to yellow.

after advice from a friend i started mixing the bloom fert with grow fert, at first 50/50 and then 75/25 in favor of the bloom, when combined reach the recs on the fert bottles.

2 weeks after that the plants looked good but didnt seem to flower. than i found out the timer was screwd and that i have no idea what how many hours of light they got. i changed the timer.

now in the last few days the plants are stuck, nothing changes and the leaves look tired, and the new leaves that spring out have a light green color.

i thought maybe i over used ferts and 2 days ago i flushed with 3L of water. thats it i guess (i also chkd the ph of the water from the flushing and its was 6.8-7.0)

any suggestions?





Active Member
well maybe now they are cuz of the flushing, but up until than i dDID watre every day, BUT with very small quantaties (like 300ml per plant)


Well-Known Member
eww it looks so streched, you never stated the wattage on your plant either, and what kinda cfls you used. looks to me like you used warm(red) instead of cool(blue)? just a guess im a newbie