


Help me please. I know it is normal in this stage of flowering(about two weeks in) for the shade leaves to fall off, but not all at once! Yesterday the plant was fine, Watered as usual, and givin jacks classic blossom booster 10-30-20 two times a week, and now today at 4 I got home and saw this mess! All the fan leaves limp, some rotting on bottom. I pulled one off from the bottom ^^. Recently it went from having 3 cfls on it to about 6. Could it just need to be watered more often now??


New Member
plants can wilt for a number of reasons. Only water if the pots are light. I would nix the tin foil go with flat white wall paint. I would say heat stress move your lights back a bit or try just taking down the tin foil . your going to need some calmag plus and a ph test kit the kit will come with a bottle of acid and base test vial and test solution . start calmag rite away and get a general hydroponics ph test kit i think its around 10 or 15 bucks. add your nutrients to the water then test the ph. soil ph needs to be around 6.8 a soil-less mix 6


It has grown for three months in this environment to three feet, foil and everything, so I don't think that is the problem here.


Could hot temps do this too? because when I walk into the closet it feels noticeably warmer inside, like a warm day. I have a fan going, maybe I will add a larger one...


Any chance it could be nitrogen toxicity? I'm trying to figure out how to help it, But i'm not sure what to do. I mixed in some bone meal on the top couple inches of soil, cause it's 7% calcium, thought that might be good...



It pretty much just got worse and worse. Nothing seemed to save it. So now, I repotted it, because I found after flushing it, that the soil was very compacted and suffocating my plant perhaps. When I pulled it out of the soil it had a very underdeveloped root system, only a couple inches of roots for a 3 foots tall plant...I guess I will see what happens now that I replanted it. I hope it survives.

Is there anything I can do to stimulate root growth? Or any step I can take to help this plant along, after going through such stress?
