sounds good in my head but.......... +rep if you are a good help


Active Member
ok i have an idea for my next grow, it only involves 2 plants due to lack of space, this idea sounds good in my head but i am not sure if it would turn out ok so let me no what you think of this please, cheers in advance.

here is the space i have to work with.

this is a birds eye view of the box, shows where the plants and pots would go.
top view.jpg
this is a side view of how i will tie the plants down, the other plant will be the same just the opposite way.
lst view.jpg
this will all be from one plant, i plan on growing a white diesel and toping it, how do i actualy top a plant? is there a way to make it so i get 4 colas or is it just the luck of the draw between 2 and 4? i then plan on using the bit that i cut off as a clone (if that is even possible?!?!) i would then put them in the trough pots at opposite ends of the box, then when they got to tall for the box i would bend them right over and tie them down, this allowing all the side branches to grow up forming alot of colas, this would even be good to compare a grow between a topped plant and a non topped plant, i dont plan on topping the clone.

now remember im a newbie to this so im not sure if this would even work, it sounds like it would, i just need some help on it, plus rep for good advice.

cheers all


Active Member
thanks for that, so do you think this would be ok? could i use the bit from topping as a clone? any one know please help as i dont want to do this and it turn out a waste of time



Well-Known Member
i posted the link because I am a new grower also and did not want to give U bad advice on your box, sorry I can't be of more help... and to give ya a little "bump" so u could get an answer from someone who might know LoL



Well-Known Member
Not much room but it should work. I don't know much about the strain, hopefully it's an indica. You dont have a lot of height so I wouldn't veg them more than 10-12 inches high. And yes, you can clone from the tops. Good Luck.


Active Member
yeah i know the space is small but its better than no grow at all lol,all it says is indica/sativa and it is from white label

Da Silva Satia

Active Member
sounds interesting..... in theory it should work
the restraints of the box are probably going to be the biggest problem......
what about the light and pots....which also have to fit in the box......
lst will definitely be the way to go
the tops will grow at different rates probably but what you might be able to do is do a double lst.........but that might be pushing it

either way good luck...dont think i was much help but i support the cause


Active Member
yeah thanks for your input, its always good to get replys, usualy my threads drift away with no/little replys, i agree about the space, once i get the light in and the pots in it will be tight, thats why i am planning on pulling them down to one side and letting the side branches grow up, its either this or another 2 dwarfs, i reckon i could get a bigger yeild on this tho, what do you think?
Hey Jimmy! I would grow in a box like that but I would flip it on its side so that you have 25" of head space and 12 Inches at the base (so that the flaps of the box would open up like double doors towards you). This way you can set your lights up at the top inside the box horizontally as to get the most out of the space. Heat is an issue when working with boxes, I assume you will be using CFLs due to the space. Use some PC fans connected to a 12Volt cellphone charger and you will be smooth sailing. Oh and line the inside of the box with reflective material I would use plain white computer paper. Do it! and good luck. Oh! and do not use duct tape! Heat causes the sticky-ness of it to deteriorate so it becomes useless. You can use zip ties and glue to hold up things.


Well-Known Member
should work plants will be tight with only 1 foot depth but should get by

you can use top as a clone hard to do but should work they say better to take cuttings from lower branches easyer to root hormons built up in lower branches more harder as go up the plant and harder with softer tissue of plant like tops

but good luckits al possible


Active Member
thanks john,it would not matter if i put the box on its side cause its 25 x 25 x 12, the box is all made up with two 80mm pc fans for the outtake and one 120mm pc fan for the intake, im using a 125 watt cfl, temps are about 82, still waiting on my digi thermometer, im currently growing 2 autos, i have put some pics up for you to see

and thanks rich, i see what your saying with taking a clone from the side instead of using the topped bit, so would i be best taking a clone from the side then topping the clone? as i would like to compare this with topped and non topped, or is topping it a bad idea when im going to be tien it down? and can i put the cutting straight in soil or does it have to be rock wool cubes?

the duck tape on the front is to keep it closed lol

let me know what you think of the current grow?

thanks for your help guys ;-)


Active Member
c'mon RIU i could really do with the help, i am thinking maybe i should just do one plant in a huge shallow pot, on just try and fill up half the box with the plant using lst then start to flower, what you think?


Well-Known Member
if you want a clone take from lower branches if you top the plant you may as well try to root it
latly im into fim insted of top and and lst (tie down until stretch then release)with some precise leaf trimming

those autos looking good bro

good luck
1 Luv


Well-Known Member
i just took another look at your sketch and you have 12 inches total for 2 plants only 6 inches each not goig to work maybe one full sized plant 12 inches tight for 1 plant all other dimensions workable with plan except one plant insted of two is my suggestion to you

good luck brother
1 Luv