sounds like a noob question.. but its not.


Well-Known Member
hey everyone. hope your day is going good so far.. mines not. But anyhow.. lets get down to it shall we?

Alright, I am in no way a professional grower, and nor am I a noob grower.

But I have a question that might sound kinda 'noobish'...? I guess.. anyhow heres the question.

I was germinating a few seeds using the paper towel method.. once the seeds got to a really dark brown almost blackish color.. I went ahead and transferred them to their pots.

My question is: They'll finish germinating.. while they are in the soil ... correct?

Second Question is: I have all four pots under my lights as of right now.. that won't hurt the germination process will it? I mean since they're in a dark place.. you know cause its pretty dark i imagine.. underneath the soil. Seeds are about 1/2inch down into the soil.

So can I keep the lights on the pots.. and will doing that.. hurt the rest of the germination process?

i guess thats my main question. in a nutshell. :)

Huge Thanks goes out in advance to everyone for the help they have given me in the past. And to those who help with this question. ;-)


Well-Known Member
hey everyone. hope your day is going good so far.. mines not. But anyhow.. lets get down to it shall we?

Alright, I am in no way a professional grower, and nor am I a noob grower.

But I have a question that might sound kinda 'noobish'...? I guess.. anyhow heres the question.

I was germinating a few seeds using the paper towel method.. once the seeds got to a really dark brown almost blackish color.. I went ahead and transferred them to their pots.

My question is: They'll finish germinating.. while they are in the soil ... correct?

Second Question is: I have all four pots under my lights as of right now.. that won't hurt the germination process will it? I mean since they're in a dark place.. you know cause its pretty dark i imagine.. underneath the soil. Seeds are about 1/2inch down into the soil.

So can I keep the lights on the pots.. and will doing that.. hurt the rest of the germination process?

i guess thats my main question. in a nutshell. :)

Huge Thanks goes out in advance to everyone for the help they have given me in the past. And to those who help with this question. ;-)
yes .. you can put the seed in the soil UNDER lights .. as long is the seed is within the soil, creating a warm, moist, dark enviorment for her to spout. B/c logically if something is underground .. essentially it is dark ;)

now go grow some marijuana:fire:


Well-Known Member
lol thanks.

i dont know why the hell i always second guess everything.

my ex gf use to always tell me I did. And that I also "Over Analyze" things.

I knew the right answer.. but its like.. in my head?? I dunno.. its almost like another voice telling me.. "no.. you could be wrong. What if your wrong?.. Your probably wrong."

It's kinda fucked up.. but I've actually been like that ever since I was around 11 years old.

hmm.. Well, I feel better now that I got all that off my chest. Ya dig? :)

Have a great afternoon everyone.

Peace. :)


Well-Known Member
No dude it all good brotha!

I still do it too hehe!.. There is absolutly nothing wrong with re-assurance !! .. a little peace of mind never hutr anyone my friend!;)