Sour Diesel Party Cup grow 370 watts of CFL

Joshie D

Hey everyone I recently got a nice bag of Sour Diesel cost me about 400 bucks for a zip, I had some people return me seeds they found and so I germinated the 2 seeds in a wet papertowel with a heat lamp over it and they were ready to plant in about 24 hours!!

I planted the two in party cups and I wasstumbling across party cup grows and there was one here that really caught my attention it was SICCs. He had a beautiful plant with only 184 watts of CFL, this inspired me to try it as well.

I'm going to be using

370 watts of CFL
Party Cups
Fox farms Ocean forest soil
general hydroponics flora series nutrients for veg
tiger bloom and super bloom for flower
water with ph of 6.0

and a little bit of TLC of course!

I hope that I can re create what sicc did or actually getting anywhere close would make me happy ;)

first seed sprouted -

Joshie D

She is about 4 inches tall now and has grown 4 leaves plus the bottom ones that fall off!

if I use 370 watts of CFL all around just one plant, and I supercrop and use tiger bloom ffor flowering I should get a nice size crop right?


diesel, diese, diesel let me at that the deisel. and the only thing better than a sour diesel is the east coast cut and then IMO the NYCD keep the thread coming wth all the 411, every detail, in other words keep it interesting and well documented "please"... and if any body else has a link to a decient diesel grow point me at 'em. I ain't called dieseldrew for shits and giggles...

Joshie D


Plant has grown about 2 inches since the last picture the a/c in my room isnt working so temps feel around 85 degrees...Im gonna have to fix that soon.

I plan on starting the first set of nutrients at the end of next week if growth is good.



Well-Known Member
looks like you're off to a decent start. I would hold off on the feeding until a little later. You can burn seedlings really really easily, plus they have some "food" in the soil you got now anyways. I use FFOF and FFLW(light warrior) mixed 2:1 and i didn't feed until just today. They will let you know when they are hungry they will start to get deficiencies and change color etc... Just my 2 cents worth. I hate to see people ruin seedlings and yours look damn good thus far. I'll be watching, always good to see another local growing!


Joshie D

thanks a lot man u here in the bluegrass too? I'll take that advice for if I start to see yellowing I know it def won't be nute burn it'll be a def so thats when I'll crank it up
I totally agree with hybrid. It is so much better to see when the plants are hungry than when they are burnt cause they ate too much! You are gunna love having her to smoke tho!


Well-Known Member
thanks a lot man u here in the bluegrass too? I'll take that advice for if I start to see yellowing I know it def won't be nute burn it'll be a def so thats when I'll crank it up
No problem man. Yeah im in the bluegrass state. Born and raised brotha


yep I have to agree w/ hybrid as well since you are growing in a decient soil with enuff bat and worm shit to feep them till your ready to flower maybee the only thing I would give them is a root stimulent, I like Rhizotonic myself. At this stage what you want to try and do is consintrate on growing a large healthy root system when it comes time to flower you'll see why. Also get'em in a three gal pot/grow bag you have a little time till them but it's never to early upgrade. -keep it green

Joshie D

This plant is getting BIG!! I did end up translating it and ill do a partycup grow another time I will post pics when I get home in an hour you should be pleased !!

Joshie D

oh yeah forgot to mention I just fimmed her tonight and added my reflector sheets I made so now its getting reflected light

Are 6x26 watt cfls and 3x42 watts too much for one plant or is this gonna be a beast


Active Member
oh yeah forgot to mention I just fimmed her tonight and added my reflector sheets I made so now its getting reflected light

Are 6x26 watt cfls and 3x42 watts too much for one plant or is this gonna be a beast
The more light the better---and if all goes well--it will be a beast--good luck!