Sourcing "soil pipe"


Hello everyone. I'm going to give a Heath Robinson style grow a try for my first hydro setup. My experience till now is exclusively big flat soil beds.

I can't find the pipe in California; does it have another name then soil pipe?

Any assistance is greatly appreciated, even if it's a link to another post and a scolding for redundancy :)

Any hydro growers out there using organically derived nutes?



Well-Known Member
Not many people using septic tanks out here is the problem. You might look up a local plumbing supply place or maybe even a roto-rooter. I'm sure they'd know a supplier or could order it.


Excellent, thank you both for your help. With the more appropriate name I have found many suppliers. I still intend to search more extensively for the best price; once I do I'll let everyone know.

I also found S&D D2729 pipe, which appears to come in a self-sealing variety and may be cheaper for a similar product.

Is this a reasonable setup for a hydro newbie? It seemed that much it's efficiency comes from a brilliant design, not radical growing techniques. I like that the plants won't just die if the pump goes out.

One more though. I was thinking about double stacking the design. You'd need a better/second pump I assume. I was thinking a good way to go about it would be to have 2 1000/gal pumps going all the way to the top, so you'd have some redundancy if one should fail. What do you think?


Active Member
I don't mean to sound uneducated on the subject, but...Can you explain this soilpipe method as I am not familiar?


I found an excellent (cheap :)) source for the couplings; however, getting all the straight pipe shipped is gonna make it too expensive... It comes in 14 ft sections and I think I need about 80 feet. (couldn't find exact dimensions on the lengths of straight sections).

Since the couplings are the part that has all the gaskets I'm going to consider using some locally available pipe with the same od.


Active Member
I had a order with Keith's for this pipe, but I ended up finding it all local, which was very suprising, and it was half the price. I bet if you try harder you can find it local. I just picked up a phone book one day and started calling every company that had pipe in the title. Ask for SDR-35 gasketed fittings/pipe....they will know what you are talking about, if they don't have it, they might know someone who does. It cost about $350 total for all the fittings and length's of pipe to set up a heath style flooded tube copy, unfortunately, I won't be able to get that full setup going right now so I am going to start with something along the lines of his "ghetto grow" thread.